WeatherCast is a simple weather application that provides real-time weather information based on user input or current location. It uses APIs to gather data and display it on a user-friendly interface based on Material UI.
(password: sultan)
The project is structured as a Node.js, Express application with multiple routes for handling different functionalities.
Modularization: The project is organized into separate modules to enhance maintainability and readability.
Asynchronous Requests: Asynchronous programming using async/await is employed to handle API requests efficiently.
Environment Variables: Sensitive information such as API keys is stored in environment variables (.env) to enhance security.
Convenient User Experience: With the introduction of a history search feature, users can now easily access their past search results. This means that whenever a user revisits the application, they will immediately see the weather information for their last searched location. This saves time and effort, especially for users who frequently check the weather for specific locations.
User Account Management: WeatherCast's admins ensures a more secure and efficient user experience for both administrators and regular users alike
Remote Access: Access WeatherCast conveniently on our remote host at to retrieve real-time weather information and view your search history with ease.
- OpenWeatherMap API
- Weather Data
- Google Cloud API
- Time API
Make sure you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine. You can download and install them from the official website: Node.js.
Clone the repository
git clone
cd WeatherCast
Install the required npm packages by running the following command in your terminal:
npm install
This will install the necessary dependencies specified in your package.json file.
Start the application using the following command:
node app
Open your web browser and go to "http://localhost:3000" to access to WeatherCast.
Sultan 'DarkHost'