An internal web service for Milwaukee Makerspace
This is pretty easy to do on any common desktop platform:
Get the installer here:
Be sure to select the .Net Core cross-platform development
Get the installer for the .Net Core 7.0 SDK here:
Get the installer for the .Net Core 7.0 SDK here:
Instructions good for anything Debian/Ubuntu based. Translating for other package managers of your choice should be trivial:
Install .Net Core 3.1 SDK:
Directions from here:
wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-7.0
Checkout the repository to a folder on your machine:
git clone
Switch to the project directory:
cd MilwaukeeMakerspaceApi/MilwaukeeMakerspaceApi
Build the project:
dotnet build
And run the project:
dotnet run
If it loaded correctly, you are ready to test. It should be publishing a website at:
And it should be broadcasting an SSDP service on the local network for key readers to locate. One such implementation is over here:
Run this command, it will do an inplace upgrade and reboot the reader automatically
chmod +x
sudo ./
You probably don't have a database server setup that it can work with. Use the following scripts to create the necessary tables and databases on on MariaDB/MySQL server of your choice.
[SQL Scripts/access_control_schema.sql](SQL Scripts/access_control_schema.sql)
[SQL Scripts/area_funding_schema.sql](SQL Scripts/area_funding_schema.sql)
[SQL Scripts/billing_schema.sql](SQL Scripts/billing_schema.sql)
Then setup the necessary connection strings in