Machine learning algorithms are easier to understand, if you see them implemented. In this repository you will find Python implementations for some machine learning algorithms. Play around with the hyper-parameters of the algorithms and try out different data sets in order to get a better feeling for how the algorithms work. Also, debug through the code line for line and check what each line does.
The algorithms were implemented for educational purposes only, and should therefore not be used in production environments!
It is good practice to create a new virtual environment for each of your projects. Please create a new environment e.g. using Anaconda (Navigator)
or use the virtualenv
You may want to call the virtual environment ml_lecture
Below you find an example using the virtualenv
package (on Linux):
Step 1) Create the virtual environment:
$ pip install virtualenv # install virtualenv package
$ mkdir project_folder
$ cd project_folder
$ virtualenv ml_lecture # creates a folder in the current directory containing the virtual env
Step 2) Activate the virtual environment ml_lecture
$ source ml_lecture/bin/activate
Step 3) Install packages using pip
Finally, install the required packages listed in requirements.txt
which can be found in this directory.
You can do this by executing the following command:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you should be ready to go!
Please use the script located in
to execute the code for the algorithms.
The file contains functions for classification, regression, reinforcement learning and unsupervised learning.
Simply uncomment the parts which you want to use. Also, this repository contains classes for data creation, evaluation and plotting.
Please refer to the folder utils for this.
The file
has the following structure:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Oct 29 17:06:24 2019
@author: Daniel Wehner
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Imports
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# numpy
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
# data creation and plotting
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from utils.data_creator import DataCreator
from utils.plotter import Plotter
# classifiers
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from clf.knn import kNN
from clf.svm import SVM
from clf.lda import LDA
from clf.logistic_regression import LogisticRegression, LogRegOneVsOne
from clf.irls import IRLS
from clf.mlp_torch import MLP
from clf.decision_tree import DecisionTree
# more imports...
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def classification():
# create data
X, y = DataCreator().make_classification(name="linear", n_classes=2)
# train logistic regression classifier
clf = LogisticRegression(poly=True), y, batch_size=X.shape[0])
# plot boundary
Plotter(X, y).plot_boundary(clf, step_size=0.005)
# evaluation
evaluator = Evaluator()
acc = evaluator.accuracy(clf, X, y)
print("Accuracy: {} %".format(acc))
evaluator.conf_mat(clf, X, y)
def regression():
# create data
X, y = DataCreator().make_regression(name="sine")
# train kernel ridge regressor
reg = KernelRegression(), y, kernel="gaussian")
# plot boundary
Plotter(X, y).plot_regression(reg, n_points=500)
def unsupervised_learning():
Unsupervised learning.
# ...
def reinforcement_learning():
Reinforcement learning.
# ...
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
Main function.
ยฉ 2023 Daniel Wehner, M.Sc.