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dunesw Wiki

Legacy Redmine wiki for dunetpc (login required)

Building the dunesw software stack

New repository locations for old dunetpc directories


dunesw is the overarching package of the DUNE software suite. It ultimately depends on LArSoft (through its dependencies on the rest of the software suite). This is an event-processing package which itself is based on art. LArSoft usually has a weekly release, and the DUNE software suite will have a new release built on each weekly release.

dunesw is the top of the DUNE software stack as shown below. The rest of the software suite includes duneexamples, dunedataprep, protoduneana, duneprototypes, duneana, dunesim, dunecalib, duneopdet, dunereco, dunecore, and duneutil. Their relations/dependencies are shown within the figure below.

Quick Start

DUNE software is packaged with ups. To configure your environment to access the software, source the DUNE setup script, e.g. if cvmfs is available:

source /cvmfs/

A version of dunesw can be quickly set up using ups commands. This is useful if you do not need to make any developments to code within any of the sub-repositories. To list the available versions of dunesw, use:

ups list -aK+ dunesw

To set up a version of dunesw use

setup dunesw <version> -q <quals>

Starting a Development Area

In order to develop/edit any of the software stack, a LArSoft development area is required. This area will be located in a subdirectory within a larger workspace directory (i.e. /dune/app/users/ on a dunegpvm). Create a new directory in your workspace with a name of your choosing (i.e. larsoft) and enter it

mkdir larsoft
cd larsoft

Now it is time to configure this directory as a development area:

mrb newDev -v <version> -q <qual>

where <version> and <qual> are your choice. Normally, <version> will correspond to the LArSoft version found within dunecore's current product dependency file. Note that if you intend to work on a different commit of one of the repositories, the LArSoft version will change accordingly.

At this point, the following directories will be found in your larsoft area:


srcs/ will be mostly empty except for a barebones CMake file, localProducts*/ will have a single script called setup, and build_slf7.x86_64 will be empty.

This will only need to be done once for the given development area.

Setting up Your Development Area

Now that you have a development area in larsoft, it is time to set some environment variables defining where the source code is, where it will be built, and where it will finally be installed (localProducts).

source /path/to/larsoft/localProducts_<version>_<qual>/setup

This will need to be done every time you want to work/build code in this development area

Getting the Code

Now that the environment is configured, you can start getting the code from git using commands from mrb.

You can clone the entire software suite by simply using the following

mrb g dune_suite

Note, however, that this is generally not recommended for normal development. One motivation behind the deprecation of dunetpc and the creation of the DUNE suite was to reduce the amount of code that a developer needs to build at once. Instead, it is recommended that developers checkout subsets of the suite.

Building Subsets of the Suite

In order to reduce build times, it is possible to build only a subset of the dune suite at a time. This becomes slightly complicated if building more than one product, so the first example will be using a single repository.

Building a Single Product

This case is very simple, and can be achieved by just using mrb g <product> to get the product you want in your development area and then building it per the instructions below. Once the build is complete, you should setup dunesw <version> <qual> with corresponding versions and qualifiers to load the rest of the packages.

Building Multiple Products

In this case, a little more care must be taken as a continuous (dependency-wise) subset of the software suite must be built. For example, if you would like to build protoduneana and dunecalib, duneprototypes must also be built because it lies between the two. One should consult the dependency graph to determine which products are necessary and run mrb g <product> for each necessary product.

Setting up your environment to build code

After getting code in your development area, it is time to set up your environment variables to build it


This will look through the various ups and cmake files found within any source code in your development area and attempt to set up packages depended upon between the products. If there are any mismatches between versions defined in these, there could be errors and the output of this command will try to let you know that.


Once you've sourced localProducts and ran mrbsetenv (after making sure the code you want is in srcs/), the build can commence.

Fresh builds

With a newly created area or after a "zap" of your build area, you should run the following command

mrb i -jN [--generator=ninja]

where N is the number of cores you'd like to build with. On gpvms, this can be 4. However, build machines are available, and on these, up to 16 cores can be requested to speed up the build. --generator=ninja is an optional command that switches make with ninja.

Note that this step performs cmake steps to configure the build, then compiles code, and installs libraries/objects/fcl files/scripts to your localProducts area.


The previous build option is only necessary with a newly created development area or after wiping out your build area. During normal development, a simple compilation and installation is all that's required. To do this use either of the following commands (depending on if you chose make or ninja as your build system).

make install -jN
ninja install -jN

Setting up your environment to run your built code

The dunesw stack is meant to be set up in its entirety in order for software to run. Global and shared configuration files are in the dunesw product, for example, and plugins that are dynamically loaded may be in products that are not dependent on the ones you have checked out and built.

From a fresh login, you must:

source /cvmfs/
setup dunesw <version> -q <quals>
source /path/to/larsoft/localProducts_<version>_<qual>/setup

The version tag of the precompiled products must match the version tag of the product(s) you have built. The mrbslp command sets up local products and gives you a different environment from what mrbsetenv gives, which is useful for building but some programs may not run with the build environment set. You can type

ups active

to find out what products you have set up and what their locations are on disk.

Upgrading your LArSoft Version

Contributing code to the GitHub repositories

As of this writing, members of the DUNE orgnanization can push to dunesw and dependent repositories. We will transition to a pull-request-only model, in which reviewers look at each contribution, iterate with the authors, and merge the pull requests when all parties are satisfied. DUNE members have already been submitting pull requests and this is encouraged as review helps keep the software in good shape.

For information and links to how to use pull requests in GitHub, see this page in the LArSoft wiki:

(Fermilab Services login required). It has a description of the CMS bot functionality, which we do not yet use on for DUNE software, but it has the good feature of running the CI tests before submitting pull requests for review.


Maintainers/Admininstrators corner

How to Make New Releases

How to Trigger CI builds and Update Reference Files

Link to all open PRs in dune suite

All PRs

Links to All Repositories













This one's not part of dune_suite (yet) but it's a dependency:


dunetpc directory     repository in the split structure:
3x1x1dp               duneprototypes
APAIO                 do not migrate
AnaTree               duneana
AnaUtils              dunereco
ArtSupport            dunecore
BeamData              duneprototypes
CAFMaker              duneana
CFilter               do not migrate
CVN                   dunereco
CalData               dunedataprep
Calib                 dunecalib
CalibServices         dunecalib
ClusterFinderDUNE     dunereco
Coldbox               duneprototypes
DAQSimAna             duneana
DAQTriggerSim         dunecore
DUNEPandora           dunereco
DUNEWireCell          dunereco
Daq                   do not migrate
DataPrep              dunedataprep
DetSim                dunesim
DetectorVariations    dunesim
DuneCommon            dunecore
DuneExample           duneexamples
DuneInterface         dunecore
DuneObj               dunecore
DuneObjDumpers        dunecore
DuneServiceAccess     dunecore
EnergyStudies         duneana
EventFilters          duneana
EventGenerator        dunesim
FDSensOpt             dunereco
GalleryScripts        duneexamples
Geometry              dunecore
HitAnalysis           duneana
HitFinderDUNE         dunereco
HDF5Utils             dunecore
Iceberg               duneprototypes
InfillChannels        dunereco
LArG4                 dunesim
OpticalDetector       duneopdet
PandoraAnalysis       duneana
PhotonPropagation     dunesim
ProductFilters        duneana
Protodune             duneprototypes
RecoAlgDUNE           dunereco
RegCNN                dunereco
SNSlicer              dunereco -- but not built (as per dunetpc)
SNUtils               dunereco -- but not built (as per dunetpc)
ShowerAna             duneana
SimFilter             dunesim
Simulation            dunesim
SpaceCharge           dunesim
SpaceChargeServices   dunesim
SupernovaAna          duneana
TrackFinderDUNE       dunereco
TrackPID              dunereco
TrackingAna           duneana
Utilities             dunecore
VLNets                dunereco