Released: 20/03/2012
General Changes:
- Compatible with CPACS 2.0
- Corrected the implicit rotation of fuselage and wing profiles. They shouldn't turn from x-y to x-z by TIGL
- TIGL now uses the coordinate system of parent components for child components. This is only done when parent --> child relations could be figured out via UIDs.
- Profile points could now also be stored as the vector (x ,y, and z) containing all profile points.
- Some XPath have changed in CPACS 2.0, for example "sweepangle" is now "sweepAngle". TIGL is taking care of these changes.
New API Functions:
for querying symmetry informationtiglWingGetReferenceArea
gives the reference area of a wingtiglWingComponentSegmentFindSegment
returns the segmentUID and wingUID for a given point on a componentSegmenttiglWingGetWettedArea
a new function for caluclating wetted area of a wing
eta, xsi, segmentUID and wingUID for a given eta and xsi on- a componentSegment
- Complete rebuild of TIGLViewer. It is now QT based and platform independent
- TIGLViewer now updates the view when the cpacs file is changed.