Released: 31/08/2011
- Changed API:
now opens a configuration without specification if the uid if it is the only one in the data set. Simply take NULL or en empty string as uid argument.- Added a Python wrapper for the C-code and DLL handling (no need to manually convert cpython variables to python)
- New API Functions
Returns a point on the intersection line of two geometric components. Often there are more one intersection line, therefore you need to specify the line.tiglComponentIntersectionLineCount
Returns the number if intersection lines of two geometric components.tiglComponentGetHashCode
Computes a hash value to represent a specific shape. The value is computed from the value of the underlying shape reference and the Orientation is not taken into account.tiglFuselageGetMinumumDistanceToGround
Returns the point where the distance between the selected fuselage and the ground is at minimum. Fuselage could be turned with a given angle at at given axis, specified by a point and a direction.
- TIGLViewer
- now could draw the componentSegment of a selected wing.