############# Demo for task-oriented denoising network (TOD-Net) #################
This is the demo for our MICCAI-2021 paper 'Task-Oriented Low-Dose CT Image Denoising'. The original paper can be found here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.13557
The codes include two parts, 'Train downstream tasks' and 'Train TOD-Net' as below.
Train_downstream_tasks.py -- the main file to train downstream models, unet is used as an example
dataset.py -- user defined dataloader functions (loading 3D CT images)
utils.py -- utils functions such as model initialization, model saving ect.
metric.py -- eval metrics for the downstream tasks
CV_5-fold.txt -- data location where you save your ct images
main.py -- the main file to train taks-oriented wgan network
model.py -- downstream segmentation network
TOD-Net.py -- task-oriented denoising network
loss.py -- losses used for training TOD-Net
dataset.py -- user defined dataloader functions (loading 3D CT images)
utils.py -- utils functions such as model initialization, model saving ect.
metric.py -- eval metrics for the downstream tasks