Here I'll keep my exercises for TreinaDev, an online course about web development in Ruby.
First, I'll keep here the exercises I had to do for the selective process that I'm current enrolled.
Next, I pretend to keep my projects for the course.
The aim of this course is to prepare the student for the job market.
- Configure and learn how to use git and commit an example file.
- File: git-example
Create an simple calculator that sums, subtracts, multiply and divides two numbers.
- File: calculator
Return a data of an specific data type
- File: data-types
Count how many vowels and consonants there are in a phrase.
- File: count-vowels-consonants
Transform a phrase, turning each even character into downcase and each odd character into upcase.
- File: studly-caps
Sum numbers in a string
- File: sum-numbers
Verify if every digit in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] appears in an array one and only one time.
- File: sudoku
Find the '?' in a first degree equation
- File: mistery-number
Multiply each item in an array for its index
- File: array-index
Multiply odd or even numbers by a variable
- File: array-odd-even
Calc the multiplication table for a number n
- File: multiplication-tables
Replace each item in an array by its antecessor and its successor.
- File: multiply-arrays
Verify if there is a string that is equal of its reverse for each string in an array and if it is true, remove it.
- File: array-inverse-string
Create multiple functions to manipulate arrays
- File: manipulate-arrays
Print the sum of the numbers of unique chars of each string in an array.
- File: unique-char-quantity
Create a class with determinate atributtes.
- File> oo-ecommerce-class
Create a class Product with values name, category, price and stock and with methods to add or remove items from the stock. Create another class Payment with values quantity, product, price and value and with methods calculate the value and apply the discount.
- File oo-ecommerce-init
Apply good practices for OOP, connecting the classes.
- File oo-ecommerce-methods
Read a file and then convert binary numbers to decimal.
- File: read-and-write-1
Read a string and then convert each decimal number to a binary number and write it in a file.
- File: read-and-write-2
Use inheritance to create the classes PaymentCredit, ProductBooks, etc.
- File: oo-ecommerce-inheritance
Read a JSON file with one object
- File: file-objects-1
Write an object in a file JSON
- File: file-objects-2
Read multiples objects from a JSON file
- File: file-objects-3
Customize the to_json method
- File: file-objects-4
Count how many strings fit the requirements
- File: find-repeated
Extend a string that was compressed
- File: string-expander
Find the next N item in a sequence
- File: sequence-reader
Hash and strings
- File: hash-num
Find two numbers that one is multiple of the other and sum them
- File: remainders
Find two numbers that fit the requerements and then multiply them
- File: find-and-multiply
Find the array with the largest number of numbers in a row
- File: longest-sequence
Find the minimum cost path to visit N planets
- File: space-trip
Find words in a hunting words
- File: matrix-reader
Read a matrix in spiral
- File: spirardigrada
Create and manipulate matrix
- File: broken-windows
Manipulate strings in a matrix
- File: shifting-characters