This repository contains the implementation of the Pathway Generator. It is developed in the context of the H2020 easyRights project and implements state-of-the-art NLP technonoliges to translate verbose and lengthy documents describing processes such as Asylum Seeking into a set of actionable, step-wise, instructions in a format that we call Pathway.
In order to install and use the external libraries used in this repository, we recommend the use of a virtual environment. It can be created using the following command:
python3 -m venv env
You can now activate the virtual environment using the command:
source env/bin/activate
And use deactivate
to disable it.
Once your virtual is activated, you can install the external libraries:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Enable doccano client
cd doccano_api_client
pip3 install -e ./
cd ..
Enable the library that is utilized to numerize sentences
cd sentence-transformers
pip3 install -e ./
cd ..
Doccano to store the output of the annotations and the pathway generation. Check api/ to insert credentials.
To use the pathway generator send a POST request with the following command line:
curl -X POST -F data='{"pilot":"birmingham","service":"clean air zone"}'