This script watches the LND data folder and sends out emails with the channel backup on changes.
This script is based on
sudo apt-get install mailutils inotifywait
Configure mail
sudo nano /etc/mailname
and add your "domain name" e.g. raspberrypi
Send test email
echo "Test" | mail -s "Test" [email protected]
Create a service file
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/backup-channels.service
Content:[Service] ExecStart=/PATH/TO/ Restart=always RestartSec=60s StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=backup-channels User=USER [Install]
rename /PATH/TO the the location of shell script
replace USER with actual user
start and enable service
sudo systemctl enable backup-channels.service
sudo systemctl start backup-channels.service
The script contains 3 important variables EMAIL
EMAIL: your email address
PATHTOLND (default: /home/lightning/.lnd/): the path to your LND data folder
PATHTOTMP (default: /home/lightning/tmp/): the path to folder to temporary store the channel backups