- Name: Conor Tighe
- Id: G00314417
- Module: Distributed Systems
This is a multi-threaded distributed dictionary web service. A client hosted by tomcat that takes input from a user on a JSP page and sends it to a RMI server to interact with a full dictionary, you can look up words, look up definitions and delete or edit words. Once a request is made the client thread will poll the server every 10 seconds until it gets a response.
I found a dictionary online, copied it into notepad and used regular expression to get rid of white lines and formatted it in a way that I could loop through and split the word and definition into 2 Strings. I then put these 2 strings in a HashMap that is created when the server starts, the client interacts with the HashMap to get results.
The project itself works fine but I ran into problems converting the Maven project into a WAR file and couldn't find a solution, there is a JAR file for the server but once you connect to the RMI throws security errors. In order to run the client you have to import the project in eclipse as a Maven project and use the following run config:
The server is run as a normal project. Once both the server and client are executing go to port 8080 to use the app.
- Username: DSProject
- password: password
The client runs on Tomcat 7 which is taken care off through a Maven plug-in:
- Maven
- Tomcat 7
- Java