This project uses the power of recommender systems and convolutional neural networks to match you with your perfect cat.
(Remember to set poetry config true
poetry shell # Creates a virtual environment
poetry install
The virtual environment (poetry shell) needs to be activated each time you work with the project.
Pytorch needs to be installed manually, as the version depends on the the type of computer and if you have a graphics card with cuda. Go to and follow the instructions, install with pip inside the poetry environment.
This project uses the following tools for development which might require extensions in your editor.
- flake8
- black
- mypy
pip install .
uvicorn catmatch.serve:app --reload # Runs the emojify/ file
The data used for developing the movie recommender system is from Kaggle.
The dataset used for creating cat image embeddings is from Kaggle
Right to left: @example @example @example @example
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Template by @JonRodtang for @CogitoNTNU