Ever found yourself in a situation where you want to watch some movie or tv show, but simply can't find one to watch? Worry no more. MovieJunkie uses https://www.themoviedb.org API to help you out. With this website you can:
- Search for movies and tv shows (by title, actor, year or genre).
- List the top rated movies and tv shows of all times.
- List the latest movies and tv shows that are on air currently.
- List movies and tv shows that are popular in the last year.
- Save the movies and tv shows to your watchlist so you don't forget about them, or save them in your favorites.
- Get recommendations that are similar to a movie or a tv show on the detailed informations page.
- Get recommendations for movies or tv shows if there are none in your watchlist or favorites list.
Check it out here:
We do not hold any ownership of the images used in this project. For now, this project is for non-commercial use.
Glasses icon in the logo made by: https://www.flaticon.com/authors/pixel-perfect from https://www.flaticon.com/
- Add an option which will help the user to choose whether he wants to watch some movie, or a tv show, with specific genre or actor, which will narrow the choices the user needs to make.
- Added an option to get a random movie or tv show straight away.
- Redesigned recommendations for movies and tv shows on watchlist / favorites list.
- Changed color scheme (again...).
- Minor fixes.
- Re-designed homepage.
- Re-designed navigation bar.
- Minor changes to cards design.
- Fixed random number issues for trailers for movies and tv shows details page.
- Cut out about & upcoming movies pages.
- New design for the whole website.
- New design for the movie cards.
- High resolution images for the cards.
- New color scheme.
- Added option for smooth scrolling to top, on every page.
- More showcasing options on homepage (top rated movies, popular movies, top rated tv shows, popular tv shows).
- Fixed links on homepage to match the actual needs of the user.
- Re-made the about page.
- Re-designed buttons.
- Re-designed the navigation menu on all pages.
- Added Material Design icons.
- Added submenu for easier and faster navigation.
- Added option to show which movies / tv shows are already in your favorites on page load. (The ones that are in the list are marked, others are not).
- Cut down unnecessary links from the menu due to merging of pages.
- Updated modal boxes on search pages with info on how to search.
- Implemented recommendations for movies / tv shows if there are none in the users watchlist or favorites list.
- Added support for "Escape" button to close modal boxes and recommended boxes.
- Huge cut in the number of separate pages.
- Merged the pages for searching for a movie by title, genre, year or actor into one single page.
- Merged the pages for searching for a tv show by title, genre or year into one single page.
- Huge cut in the number of seprate script files.
- Merged watchlists for movies and tv shows.
- Merged favorites lists for movies and tv shows.
- Added option to tweet (soon to add facebook share option) for a movie/tv show that you're going to watch.
- Added support for higher resolutions screens (1080p, 1440p & 4k).
- Minor changes in the data showed at the detailed info page.
- Changed the trailer showcase on the detailed info page so now it loads different trailer for the movie/tv show on page load, and is separately shown below the plot.
- Fixed bugs.
- Fixed design (responsiveness) issues for smaller screens.
- Fixed positioning of notifications.
- New color scheme (black/red).
- Edited navigation bar with better animation, so now it doesnt looks buggy.
- Edited Detailed info page.
- Redesigned cards & pages to match new color scheme.
- Fixed the page buttons, in an effor to fix a scrolling bug.
- Minor changes to script files.
- Updated the about page.
- Fixed some animations, to smooth them out.
- Added option to sort the output by set min/max average rating (for movies by year and genre only).
- Added option to sort "UPCOMING" movies by month.
- Re-designed the cards for recommended movies/tv shows on detailed info page.
- Added a button to "Add to watchlist" at detailed info page for movies/tv shows.
- Re-designed the slide menu for small screens.
- Corrected the links.
- Added a notification when you add to watchlist/favorites list.
- Added option to remove ALL movies/tv shows from watchlist / favorites list, at ONCE.
- Corrected titles of pages.
- Created the about page, giving credits to TMDB and Flaticon(Freepik).
Lists are here !! Personal watchlist and favorites list(for movies and tv shows).
- Re-designed the home page.
- Created list for movies/tv shows to watch, and favorites list for movies/tv shows.
- Added an option to add to watchlist or favorites list for every search option( top rated, upcoming,latest, popular, by year, by actor, by genre, by title for movies/tv shows).
- Corrected the links to match properly with each other.
A lot of changes and improvements have been made, from functionality to design. Here's a list of what's been changed/imporved so far.
- Added option to search by genres in movies by year.
- Added option to serach by genres in tv shows by year.
- Added page change option for "recommended" to shows/movies-page.
- Added animation to Genre select to all pages where genre option is available.
- Added modal box, question mark, info in modal box.
- Added reset button for the genres, that resets the selected genre while the inputed actor/year remains the same, and re-loads from page 1.
- Added option to reset the selected genres on name(by actor)/year(by year) change in the input.
- Added cast info for movies/tv shows & fixed bug where not all genres were shown properly.
- Added upcoming movies, with today(each day) date as minimum release date, and a static set max date(2019-01-01). (* Working on making the end date dynamic.)
- Added animations to movie / tv show cards @ the search pages.
- Re-designed home page, movie / tv show info page, and all pages for searching options.
- Added modal box to Learn More @ Home page, containing some basic info how to use the website.