1. Start by making a Fork of the Deski-Ecommerce-Website-Team-8 repository. Click on the Fork symbol at the top right corner.
2. Clone your new fork of the repository in the terminal/CLI on your computer with the following command:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/Deski-Ecommerce-Website.git
cd Deski-Ecommerce-Website
git remote add upstream https://github.com/Codevixens-Band-3-General-Project/Deski-Ecommerce-Website
5. Fetch Updates from the Original Repository: Fetch the latest changes from the original repository.
git fetch upstream
6. Create a New Branch for your task: Create a new branch from the base branch of the original repository.
git checkout -b <yourbranchname>
⚠️ Make sure not to run the commands git add . or git add *. Instead, stage your changes for each file/folder (For example if you're adding only the home.html file, run this command in your CLI)
git add <filename>
git commit -m "<your_commit_message>"
git push --set-upstream origin <branchname>
Go to your forked repository on GitHub and navigate to the branch you just pushed. Click on the "New pull request" button to create a pull request from your new
branch to the base branch of the original repository.