Chirr is a chat based collaboration tool. The functionality of the chat interface should be considered to be positioned somewhere between IRC and Slack.
Like the cricket´s chirr; a fleeting moment
See the Functional & Technical specification
Note that complex types are defined as Tagged Unions for documentation´s sake but this does not necessarily imply that it absolutely described the required data type "Either" should represent mutually exclusive ("either" means "one or the other") Success and Failure "options"
Note that the use of web socket implies a message driven protocol rather than a "procedure based" protocol. So "IN" represents "incoming messages" and "OUT" represents "outgoing messages", respectively.
connect(token) - OUT - connect with server sending token obtained with ReST login
disconnect() - OUT - explicit termination of connection. Equivalent to logout
send(flowId, text) - OUT - sending chat text to flow
error - IN - error event
updateFlow - IN - (flowid, List (item) - reception of new items for a particular flow
updateFlowList - IN - (streamId, List (item) - reception of updates to flow list
login(userid, password) -> Either (Error, token)
register(username, registerData) -> Either (Error, OK)
getStreams() -> List (stream)
searchStreams(searchTerm) -> List (result)
selectStream(streamId) -> Either (Error , (stream , List (items))) - get stream information with items from [default] flow OR Error
getFlows(streamId) -> Either (Error, List (flow))
selectFlow(flowId) -> Either (Error, (flow , List (item))) - get flow information with items or Error
send(flowId , text) -> Either (Error, OK) - sending chat text to flow
sendFile(flowId , file binary) -> Either (Error, OK) - Not ReST. Represents HTTP multipart/form-data POST
updateTopicFrom(flowId , lastItemid) -> List (item)
createStream(name) -> Either (Error, OK)
deleteStream(streamId) -> Either (Error, OK)
renameStream(streamId, newname) -> Either (Error, OK)
createFlow(streamId , name) -> Either (Error, OK)
renameFlowc(flowId, newnname) -> Either (Error, OK)