"How we can use housing data to motivate civic engagement"
We have observed that regional housing data is in disparate places, hard to understand and sometimes missing or outdated. How might we to design a resource where people in Waterloo region can understand the housing situation in terms of affordability and engage users to get involved with community groups addressing housing issues around unaffordability?
- Slack Channel: #project_housing_info_website
- GitHub Project: https://github.com/CivicTechWR/improved_housing_portal/projects
- Miro Board: https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/nz0W9QrZ6hUj8Eq2vIuHcpVpetmsslOiFh2YYwFqJu5P8MgRC8SqsIszII73eox2
- Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/EDBhjT60hMeNZiYSsydlqT/housing?node-id=593%3A136
- Project Manager: Sukhi & Jas
- Technologies used: HTML, CSS and JS