Author: Dr. Simon Antony Roberts [email protected]
This is the Installation Instructions for Entities Repository API.
-- You will Require Ubuntu 15.10+ to run this API.
*** Database ***
1. Use MySQL Workbench to restore the Database Import stored in /sql
2. Create Username for the API to use
3. Set the Database settings in /class/entitiesages.php for the Database
*** Constants ***
The constants are found in the file of the root of in /constants.php
1. Set API_URL ~ this is the full path for the API root
2. Set API_URL_SHORT ~ this is the path for short referee's it must contain '%s' where the abbrivated path is added
3. Set API_URL_CALLBACK ~ this is the path for API Callback it must contain '%s' where the function mode is added
*** Cron Jobs / Scheduled Tasks ***
You must set the cron jobs found in /cronjobs this is done by executing 'sudo crontab -e'
1. */7 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /path/to/entities/cronjob/gravatar-mapping.php
2. */10 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /path/to/entities/cronjob/scan-mapping.php
3. */15 * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /path/to/entities/cronjob/import-mapping.php
*** Executables ***
1. execute 'sudo apt-get install zip zoo xarchiver unzip rar 7zip'
2. If your not running 64Bit then copy these executables from /usr/bin too replace them in the / root of entities to operate