Maui.Toolbox is a collection of useful utilities used in various Xamarin.Forms projects.
- Auto scale views based on device screen resolution.
Install the nuget package to Maui project
add in MauiProgram.cs
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
Xamarin.Essentials.Platform.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
Maui.Toolbox.Platform.Init([KEY], this, savedInstanceState);
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
DataType | Property | Description |
float | ScreenWidth | The screen width available for the app to use. |
float | ScreenHeight | The screen height available for the app to use. |
float | AdjustedHeight | The new screen height after adjusting base on 16/9 ratio. |
float | AdjustedWidth | The new screen width after adjusting base on 16/9 ratio. |
float | OrigScreenWidth | The original screen height before adjusting base on 16/9 ratio. |
float | OrigScreenHeight | The original screen width before adjusting base on 16/9 ratio. |
float | AppScale | The screen scale for iOS and screen density for Android. |
float | StatusBarHeight | The height of the status bar. |
float | TopInsets | The height of the status bar and notch height |
float | BottomInsets | The height covered by the bezel, navigation bar. Useful for bottom aligned contents. |
using Maui.Toolbox;
var screenWidth = Scaler.ScreenWidth;
Return Type | Method |
float | ScaleHeight |
float | ScaleWidth |
double | ScaleFont |
Thickness | ScaleThickness |
Thickness | ScaleThicknessWidth |
Thickness | ScaleThicknessHeight |
CornerRadius | ScaleCornerRadius |
CornerRadius | ScaleCornerRadiusWidth |
double | GetMinSize |
using Maui.Toolbox;
var width = 50.ScaleWidth();
var height = 50.ScaleHeight(40); // 50 for Android, 40 for iOS
Return Type | Method |
int/double/single | ScaleHeight |
int | ScaleHeightInt |
double | ScaleHeightDouble |
float | ScaleHeightFloat |
int/double/single | ScaleWidth |
int | ScaleWidthInt |
double | ScaleWidthDouble |
float | ScaleWidthFloat |
GridLength | ScaleGridHeight |
GridLength | ScaleGridWidth |
Thickness | ScaleThickness |
Thickness | ScaleThicknessWidth |
Thickness | ScaleThicknessHeight |
double | ScaleFontSize |
CornerRadius | ScaleCornerRadius |
CornerRadius | ScaleCornerRadiusWidth |
Sample: Same value for both platforms.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
Title="Scale Test">
<StackLayout Spacing="0" Orientation="Vertical">
<BoxView HorizontalOptions="Start"
WidthRequest="{toolbox:ScaleWidth Value=320}"
HeightRequest="{toolbox:ScaleHeight Value=20}"
Margin="{toolbox:ScaleThickness Value='5,5,5,5'}">
Sample: Different values for the two platforms.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
Title="Scale Test">
<StackLayout Spacing="0" Orientation="Vertical">
<BoxView HorizontalOptions="Start"
WidthRequest="{toolbox:ScaleWidth Value=320, Android=160}"
HeightRequest="{toolbox:ScaleHeight Value=20, Android=40}"
Margin="{toolbox:ScaleThickness Value='5,5,5,5', Android='10,10,10,10'}">