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Table of Contents

  • API Documentation
    • Technologies
    • Endpoints
    • Types
    • Queries
    • Mutations
    • Authentication
    • Error Handling

API Documentation


  • GraphQL - Data query language for efficient data fetching


  • URL for your GraphQL endpoint


  • User :

    • id : Int - Auto-incremented unique identifier for each user.
    • email : String - Unique email address of the user.
    • username : String - Unique username of the user.
    • firstName : String - First name of the user.
    • lastName : String - Last name of the user.
    • password : String - Password of the user.
    • mobileNum : String - Mobile number of the user.
    • role : UserRole - Role of the user.
  • UserRole (enum) : {USER, ADMIN, SUPERADMIN, MANAGER}

  • UserWithJWT :

    • token : String - JWT token associated with the user.
    • user : User - Information about the user.
  • Question :

    • id : Int - Auto-incremented unique identifier for each question.
    • title : String - Title of the question.
    • description : String - Description or body of the question.
    • answer : String - Answer to the question.
    • postedBy : Int - ID of the user who posted the question.
    • tags : [String] - Array of tags associated with the question.
    • links : [QueAddOnLink] - Array of additional links related to the question.
    • isApproved : Boolean - Flag indicating whether the question is approved.
    • upvotes : Int - Number of upvotes for the question.
    • downvotes : Int - Number of downvotes for the question.
  • QueAddOnLink :

    • id : Int - Auto-incremented unique identifier for each additional link.
    • title : String - Title of the additional link.
    • url : String - URL of the additional link.
    • questionId : Int - ID of the question associated with the link.

Input Types :

User :-
  • UserInput :

    • firstName : String! - First name of the user. (Required)
    • lastName : String - Last name of the user. (Optional)
    • email : String! - Unique email address of the user. (Required)
    • mobileNum : String! - Mobile number of the user. (Required)
    • password : String! - Password of the user. (Required)
    • username : String! - Unique username of the user. (Required)
Question :-
  • QuestionInput :

    • title : String! - Title of the question. (Required)
    • description : String! - Description or body of the question. (Required)
    • answer : String! - Answer to the question. (Required)
    • tags : [String] - Array of tags associated with the question. (Optional)
    • links : [QueAddOnLinkInput] - Array of additional links related to the question. (Optional)
  • QueAddOnLinkInput :

    • title : String! - Title of the additional link. (Required)
    • url : String! - URL of the additional link. (Required)


User :-
  • getAllUser :

    • Description : Fetches information for all users.
    • Parameters : None
    • Headers : Authorization : None
    • Response : [User] - Array of User objects
  • getMe :

    • Description : Fetches information for current users.
    • Parameters : None
    • Headers : Authorization : token - (User JWT Token)
    • Response : User - A User Object representing the current user
Questions :-
  • getQuestions :

    • Description : Fetches all questions
    • Parameters : None
    • Headers : Authorization : None
    • Response : [Question] - Array of Question objects


User :-
  • createUser(User: UserInput) : UserWithJWT

    • Description : Creates a new user.
    • Headers : Authorization : None
    • Parameters :
      • user : UserInput
    • Response : UserWithJWT - JWT Token and A User Object representing the created user
  • loginUser(username : String, email : String, password : String!) : UserWithJWT

    • Description : login a new user.
    • Headers : Authorization : None
    • Parameters :
      • email : String, username : String, password : String!
    • Response : UserWithJwt - JWT Token and A User Object representing the loggedIn user
  • getUserById(id : Int!) : User

    • Description : get a user from id
    • Headers : Authorization : None
    • Parameters :
      • id : Int!
    • Response : User - User of Given ID
  • updateUserRole(id : Int!, role : UserRole!) : String

    • Description : update role of a user from id
    • Headers : Authorization : Token - (Manager JWT Token)
    • Parameters :
      • id : Int!, role : UserRole!
    • Response :
      • role : UserRole
Question :-
  • createQuestion(Question : QuestionInput) : Question

    • Description : create a question
    • Headers : Authorisation : Token - (User JWT Token)
    • Parameters : QuestionInput
    • Response : Question - Created Question Object
  • getQuestionById(QuestionId : Int!) : Question

    • Description : get a question by id
    • Headers : Authorisation : Token - (User JWT Token)
    • Parameters : QuestionId : Int!
    • Response : Question - Question of given id
  • upVoteQuestion(QuestionId : Int!) : Question

    • Description: Upvotes a specific question by ID.
    • Headers: Authorisation : Token - (User JWT Token)
    • Parameters: QuestionId : Int!
    • Response: Question - Updated Question object with the new upvote count.
  • downVoteQuestion(QuestionId : Int!) : Question

    • Description: Downvotes a specific question by ID.
    • Headers: Authorisation : Token - (User JWT Token)
    • Parameters: QuestionId : Int!
    • Response: Question - Updated Question object with the new downvote count.
  • changeApproveStatusOfQue(QuestionId : Int!) : Question

    • Description: Changes the approval status of a question by ID.
    • Headers: Authorisation : Token - (Admin JWT Token)
    • Parameters: QuestionId : Int!
    • Response: Question - Updated Question object with the new approval status. (true <-> false)
  • deleteQuestion(QuestionId : Int!) : String

    • Description: Deletes a specific question by ID.
    • Headers: Authorisation : Token - (Admin JWT Token or User JWT Token of the Question Creator)
    • Parameters: QuestionId : Int!
    • Response: String message - "Question deleted successfully with Question Title : ___".
  • updateQuestion(QuestionId : Int!, Question : QuestionInput) : Question

    • Description: Updates a specific question by ID.
    • Headers: Authorisation : Token - (User JWT Token of the Question Creator)
    • Parameters: QuestionId : Int!, Question : QuestionInput - object containing updated details.
    • Response: Question - Updated Question object with the new details.


** User :-

  1. SignIn
  2. SignUp
  3. Onboarding
  4. Profile Page
  5. All Students