When practicing the Pomodoro Technique, I didn't feel an increase in productivity and often felt my flow was interrupted, leading to frustration. To solve these issues, I created this app 👇🏼
Zendoro: A cross-platform Pomodoro timer loved by keyboard enthusiasts that supports the Flowtime technique.
Window Focus Logging I often find myself falling into a rabbit hole, aimlessly browsing the web or watching videos. I need to review my focus after each session.
Ultimate Keyboard Shortcut Support I don't want to keep clicking with the mouse; I absolutely love keyboard shortcuts. The existing Pomodoro timers on the market don't satisfy my needs.
Flowtime Technique I don't want my flow to be interrupted by the Pomodoro timer. Let me rest when I want to rest and continue focusing when I want to focus.
- 👉 I adopted the Flowtime Technique to schedule my breaks: Break time = Focus time / 5 (the break factor of 5 varies from person to person).
Customizable White Noise I don't want to be limited by the predefined audio options. A year ago, I saw the product ambiphone, and I knew that if I were to implement a white noise feature, it had to include this.
Pomodoro Time Inheritance What to do if you finish your current task and still have 10 minutes left?
Cross-Platform Pomodoro Timer
- 👉 Supports web, Android, iOS, and Windows (🚧) --- Implemented with Flutter.
- Window always on top during focus and break times
- 🏷️ Supports task tagging
- 📊 Statistics on focus time percentage by tag
- 😢 Statistics on time distribution based on emotional feedback
- Join the beta testing group and become a stakeholder 👉 🚧 Beta Testing Group 🚧
- Android
- Mac
- Windows
- 🚧
- Web(beta)
Next, I plan to develop:
- Support for directly starting tasks from TickTick or Todoist.
- AI-powered summaries and reviews of daily focus logs for better daily retrospectives.
- Interaction with local calendars, including two-way data import.
- Support for Android and Windows.