docker run -dit -p {PORT_ON_YOUR_MACHINE}:25565 --name spigot checker8763/spigot
-dit : -d run with detached console, -i interactive otherwise you can not write to console, -t something with tty that is recommended
-p {PORT_ON_YOUR_MACHINE}:25565 : open the port for access to the server, can be the same as the container one or another
version: '2.4'
image: checker8763/spigot
container_name: spigot
#Game Port
# OPTIONAL: only if you use rcon -> needs rcon enabled
# with a volume
- "{VOLUME_NAME}:/home/spigot"
# Or with bindmound
- "{PATH_TO_FOLDER}:/home/spigot"
docker attach -it spigot
To detach without stopping press: CTRL-P CTRL-Q
Thats the standard shortcut by docker
- Clone this repo
- Switch to the newly created folder
- Build by executing
docker build --build-arg SPIGOT_VERSION={INSERT_VERSION} --force-rm -q -t spigot:{INSERT_VERSION} .
"--build-arg SPIGOT_VERSION={INSERT_VERSION}" : set the spigot version that should be built
"--force-rm" : always remove intermediate containers
"-q" : no text output
"-t spigot:{INSERT_VERSION}" : the tag for the created image
Remove intermediate images:
This will remove every unused image!!!
docker image prune -f
For experienced people
You can build the image inside a screen so you can log off. Only use if you are familliar with the screen command.
cd /server/Docker/Spigot
screen -S dockerbuild docker build --build-arg SPIGOT_VERSION={INSERT_VERSION} --force-rm -q -t spigot:{INSERT_VERSION} .