Color the 'empty' message in the legend title in a subtle gray
chrolopleth for points
Hookup importer checksum mechanisms with synchronizations
Force follow redirects in importer
Update run_at when changing synchronization interval of a table
Fixed Bugs
Generate the_geom only from wkb_geometry for SHPs
Create your first table button does not work
If a sync table is added to a visualization, we don't provide any information about this current layer (synced table)
Timezone skew on sync tables display
Update Sync table table UI components
When deleting a table that is syncronized a message with a warning is displayed and is not neccesary
Support alternative formats for Google Fusion Tables urls
Show when a sync table will be synced again in the dashboard
Add privacy explanation on the create new table window
Fix visualizations list in Safari under Mavericks
Import successful stopped working
Trying to add a row after passed the quota limit returns a ugly error
In a synced table, when the next sync is in a hour, the a letter appear as capital.
Display 'Next sync will be in a few minutes' when run_at is in the past
If legend title is empty and you fill it, it should enable by default
Trivial typo within table rename (by @rfc2616)
You can’t perform that action at this time.