Releases: CDrummond/lms-material
Releases Β· CDrummond/lms-material
- Use detailed subtoolbar for some online (e.g Spotty) artist and album listings.
- Add server-side option to show composer, and not artist, for composer genres in MAI.
- In desktop layout with un-pinned queue add a show/hide queue button in bottom bar (if queue contains more than 1 track).
- For track style queue, show ratings on right underneath track time.
- Re-add zooming to MAI view.
- Get next alarm from status message (requires LMS8.5) and show in player menu, toolbar, and in 'Manage players' dialog.
- When re-show group volume dialog use any previous volumes as defaults, to improve initial display.
- Add release-type specific icons.
- When shrinking jumplist remove keys with fewest items.
- Allow adding Bandcamp, Deezer, Qobuz, Spotify, and Tidal tracks to playlists.
- Update Deezer icon.
- Don't pass "sort:album" when adding an artist's albums to queue, as LMS errors on this (and "album" is the default sort anyway).
- Remove icon mapping.
- Use LMS's time format to determine if 12 or 24hr times should be used.
- Try not to crop radio station logos in favourites.
- Fix missing icons from 'Extras' plugins if Material is set as default skin.
- Tweak queue toolbar layout.
- Always restore queue pinned and shown state as per settings, regardless of window size.
- Update Axios to 1.6.7
- When showing now-playing context menu reset favIcon and favUrl so that these are updated with current track.
- Only show ratings actions if configured to show ratings.
- Fix requesting extid (for emblems) and ratings in browse commands.
- Tweak Tidal emblem.
- Fix duplicated tech info in browse view when also showing ratings.
- Update translations.
- Fix listing all drive selectors in file/folder dialog for Windows.
- Revert back to '1' for enabled bool server side items.
- If jumplist only contains headers (e.g. as in 'New Music') then show if there are at least 5 times the number of items as there are jumplist entries.
- Fix queue backdrop if desktop layout, pinned, and not using background images.
- Trap contextmenu event in longpress handler, as opposed to using an empty handler.
- Fix erroneously splitting of genre string.
- Fix 'Live'/'Bootleg' release type option.
- Only group all releases by type if LMS's 'groupArtistAlbumsByReleaseType' setting is set to 2
- Add icon for ZenRadio.
- Add 'tidal' and 'pyrrha' to emblems/track-sources.
- Add option to move dialogs closer to click/touch position.
- If using unpinned queue without background image then have a semi-transparent background that blurs items below.
- Remove related code, as service is shutdown.
- Add option to auto-close unpinned queue after 30 seconds.
- Change order of add/play buttons to be '(+) (>)'
- If play shuffled option is enabled, then show play shuffle icon in detailed sub-toolbar (if space) and when hovering.
- Add 'Play next' action to detailed sub-toolbar (if space, and play shuffle disabled) and when hovering.
- In MAI track details always show composer, conductor, band if tags exist, regardless of whether these are used for now-playing, etc. or not.
- Alter ratio for when now-playing landscape is treated as 'wide'.
- For landscape now-playing always place cover on left, and have details fill remaining space - even if controls span view.
- If queue is not pinned then clickin on track count in now-playing bar will toggle queue in desktop layout.
- Fix hover play-next/shuffled grid icons for light themes.
- Fix handling of server-size bool options - LMS sends 'on' not '1'
- If very wide then show short text next to play, add, insert, and shuffle actions in sub-toolbar.
- Group all albums lists int releases.
- Use 'Releases' instead of 'Albums'.
- Fix 'Reload' action in 'Random albums/releases' within genre.
- Highlight section headers if match during 'Search within list'.
- Re-order some '...' menu entries.
- Add jumplist entries for section headers.
- When using 'mini-player' don't show group volume dialog.
- Rename 'Music sources' to 'Media sources'.
- Add support for LMS8.4 'live edge' when playing live streams - currently BBC Sounds only.
- Only use 100vh work-around if running within a mobile browser (i.e. not installed to home screen).
- Fix custom scrollbars under chromium browsers.
- For 'Windows 10' and 'Mojave' dark/light themes set chromium to use native scrollbars.
- Only open MAI view if MAI installed.
- Allow pinning items from apps.
- Re-layout grid when un-pinning home screen items.
- Fix hiding unpinned queue when click on link and window is narrow.
- Adjust now-playing bar size settings to allow for mini-player use-case.
- Better handling of volume dialog for mini-player use-case.
- Add empty context menu handler for buttons that have long-press action and use SVG icons.
- Alter now-playing cover rounding based upon size.
- Fix add/play hover buttons for large track lists.
- Fix certain server side bool options being reset when disabled.
- Fix 'All songs' and 'Composition' sorts.
- Fix missing playlist actions.
- Fix album header duration display for 'All songs', etc.
- Add ability to search for items in lists (browse and queue).
- Click on now-playing cover-art to show skip, menu, and close buttons.
- Remove now-playing pulse, as clicking cover shows buttons.
- Hide menu and close buttons on now-playing screen if using 'np-only' URL.
- Work-around volume control moving in desktop layout when toggle MAI button.
- Better handling of now-playing button sizes for very narrow screen widths.
- Fix track list indents.
- Always use light text for now-playing menu and close icons.
- Fix blank area showing at bottom of screen when using now-playing bar on mobile layout with keyboard shown.
- Cache similar-artists response to 'Cache/material-skin/similar-artists/'
- Add some album related actions to sub-toolbar of album review.
- Remove add/play actions from toolbar when navigating into genre from genre link.
- If 10 or less items in a 'choice' dialog then allow using numeric keys as shortcut.
- Clicking on scan status in 'Information' dialog will open server settings at 'Server status' page.
- Ensure album and track sorts are valid.
- Place custom track sorts into separate tag, so as to not confuse LMS.
- Add Bandcamp to list of search providers.
- Clicking on RadioParadise logo on now-playing cover should open browser at song details on RadioParadise website.
- Draw a 'link' symbol next to synchronised players in 'Manage players' dialog.
- In 'Manage players' dialog, clicking on 'link' symbol will prompt to unsync player.
- Fix new server version notification, parameter from LMS is a string not a flag.
- Disable '(i)' button if MAI not installed, not the expand/collapse button.
- Fix similar artist and genre links on mobile devices.
- Different settings for skip backward and skip forward.
- Save interface settings even if dialog closed by system back button or 'Esc' key.
- Fix Composers, Conductors, and Bands not showing in MAI track info.
- Fix artist name and album cover not showing when click on 'Browse', 'Go to album', or '+N more' links in now-playing/MAI.
- Move expanded now-playing controls a bit higher if iOS home-bar detected.
- Add Simplified Chinese translation, thanks to ε ε°ζ (Shaolin Liu)
- Add a button to server-side settings to reset genre lists to default values, translated into current language.
- Fix handling of 'Esc'/back-button when info-page is open in mobile layout but now-playing is not current view.
- For trackinfo, etc., commands check if (up to) first 15 items have a play command and if so allow add/play all actions.
- Reduce size of playing indicator in players menu.
- Fix clicking on MAI links for touch devices.
- Rename 'Radio' buttons to 'Create Mix' in menu as well as toolbar.
- Only show 'Create Mix' button if view is 800px or more wide.
- If navigate back into previous list then try to restore position.
- Try to avoid scenario of browse "..." toolbar menu only having 1 item.
- Remove sort options from 'Random Albums' and 'New Music'.
- Clear text selection if close menu.
- Force word-break if required in MAI view.
- Fix wrong menu showing when select bio/review text in browse view.
- Show artist and album names at top of respective MAI view.
- Add genres to end of MAI artist, and album, information in browse view.