Add ability to search for items in lists (browse and queue).
Click on now-playing cover-art to show skip, menu, and close buttons.
Remove now-playing pulse, as clicking cover shows buttons.
Hide menu and close buttons on now-playing screen if using 'np-only' URL.
Work-around volume control moving in desktop layout when toggle MAI button.
Better handling of now-playing button sizes for very narrow screen widths.
Fix track list indents.
Always use light text for now-playing menu and close icons.
Fix blank area showing at bottom of screen when using now-playing bar on mobile layout with keyboard shown.
Cache similar-artists response to 'Cache/material-skin/similar-artists/'
Add some album related actions to sub-toolbar of album review.
Remove add/play actions from toolbar when navigating into genre from genre link.
If 10 or less items in a 'choice' dialog then allow using numeric keys as shortcut.
Clicking on scan status in 'Information' dialog will open server settings at 'Server status' page.
Ensure album and track sorts are valid.
Place custom track sorts into separate tag, so as to not confuse LMS.
Add Bandcamp to list of search providers.
Clicking on RadioParadise logo on now-playing cover should open browser at song details on RadioParadise website.
Draw a 'link' symbol next to synchronised players in 'Manage players' dialog.
In 'Manage players' dialog, clicking on 'link' symbol will prompt to unsync player.
Fix new server version notification, parameter from LMS is a string not a flag.
Disable '(i)' button if MAI not installed, not the expand/collapse button.
Fix similar artist and genre links on mobile devices.
Different settings for skip backward and skip forward.
Save interface settings even if dialog closed by system back button or 'Esc' key.
Fix Composers, Conductors, and Bands not showing in MAI track info.
Fix artist name and album cover not showing when click on 'Browse', 'Go to album', or '+N more' links in now-playing/MAI.
Move expanded now-playing controls a bit higher if iOS home-bar detected.
Add Simplified Chinese translation, thanks to 刘 少林 (Shaolin Liu)
Add a button to server-side settings to reset genre lists to default values, translated into current language.
Fix handling of 'Esc'/back-button when info-page is open in mobile layout but now-playing is not current view.
For trackinfo, etc., commands check if (up to) first 15 items have a play command and if so allow add/play all actions.
You can’t perform that action at this time.