Label denoting that specific functions/buttons within modules, and imported plugins are not working.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Update existing and adding new documents and tutorials
Improve existing, and add new capabilites to FOQUS
Label denoting that an issue occurs with a specific example test file or tutorial from the manual
Issues related to setting up, & running process models for simulation in the Flowsheet tab
Issues specific to FOQUS Cloud.
Issues related to information displayed on the GUI, or broken buttons
Issues related to heat integration plugin
Items related to installing Foqus
Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
Robust Optimality-base Design of Experiments
Issues related to the errors, results, and plot displays, during or after optimization
Issues related to additional softwares, that are associated with modules or documentation
Issues related to the errors, and results after OUU
High Priority Issue or PR
Normal Priority Issue or PR
Issues that involve the PSUADE plugin
Issues related to FOQUS-Pyomo interface
Seeking suggestions/permission to make specific changes in FOQUS
Sequential Design of Experiments
Issues related to uploading and reading simulation files in SimSinter
Issues related to developing surrogate models from user provided/UQ based data
Label denoting issues concerning automated testing
Issues related to uploading simsinter files in Turbine
Issues related to creating, filtering, and analyzing simulation ensembles