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react responsive carousel logo React Responsive 3D Carousel

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A 3D carousel component for React, designed to create immersive, interactive experiences for your users.

🌟 Features

  • 3D rotation effect for an eye-catching carousel experience
  • Customizable speed, direction, and number of visible items
  • Responsive design, adaptable to various screen sizes
  • Easy to use with simple props and hooks

🔗 Important Links

🚀 Getting Started


Install the library via npm:

npm install react-responsive-3d-carousel

Or with Yarn:

yarn add react-responsive-3d-carousel

Basic Usage

Here's a simple example of how to use the 3D Carousel in your React project:

import React from 'react'
import { Carousel } from 'react-responsive-3d-carousel'
import 'react-responsive-3d-carousel/dist/styles.css'

const items = [
  <img src="image1.jpg" alt="image1" />,
  <video src="video1.mp4" autoPlay />,
  <div>Custom Content 1</div>,

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
        onChange={(currentIndex) => console.log(currentIndex)}

export default App

Note: Make sure to import the CSS file to properly style the Carousel. Otherwise import react-responsive-3d-carousel/dist/index.esm.min.js which includes the CSS.

📚 Documentation

Check out the full documentation.

Carousel Props

Prop Name Type Description Default Value
children React.ReactNode Optional children elements to be displayed in the 3D space besides the carousel item. undefined
ariaLabel string ARIA label for accessibility. '3d carousel'
items JSX.Element[] The array of items to be displayed in the carousel. required
startIndex number The index of the item to start at. 0
containerWidth string Width of the carousel container. '100%'
containerHeight string Height of the carousel container. Container height must be fixed when height prop is responsive. 'auto'
containerPadding string Padding for the carousel container. '1rem'
width string | number Width of each item; scales with container width if a number is provided. '400px'
height string | number Height of each item; scales with container height if a number is provided. '300px'
aspectRatio 'auto' | number Aspect ratio of each item 'auto'
align 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom' Alignment type for the items in the carousel. 'center'
boxShadow string CSS Box shadow style for the items. '0 0.1rem 0.5rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
perspective string | number CSS Perspective distance for the 3D effect; scales with container width if a number is provided. 1
perspectiveOrigin string CSS Perspective origin for the 3D effect. 'center'
layout 'default' | CarouselLayoutInfo The layout prop supports two options: 'default' for a standard layout, and CarouselLayoutInfo for full customization. (see table) 'default'
defaultOption DefaultOption Configuration for default layout, including numOfSlides, widthFactor, depthFactor, and angleFactor (see table below). undefined
sizeDuration number Duration for size transition. 1000
sizeTimingFn string CSS Transition timing function for width and height. 'ease-in-out'
transformDuration number Duration for transform transition. 1000
transformTimingFn string CSS Transition timing function for transform transition. 'ease-in-out'
focusOnSelect boolean If true, the selected item is centered when clicked. true
pauseOnHover boolean If true, pauses auto-play when hovered. true
pauseOnTransition 'none' | 'size' | 'transform' | 'both' Determines when sliding is allowed based on the completion of transition animations. 'both'
onChange (index: number, item: JSX.Element) => void Callback function triggered when the centered item changes. undefined
onClickItem (e: MouseEvent, index: number, item: JSX.Element, isCurtIndex: boolean) => void Callback when an item is clicked, providing event, index, item, and if it’s the current item. undefined
autoPlay boolean Enables auto-play of the carousel. true
interval number Interval time (in ms) for auto-play. 3000
infiniteLoop boolean Enables infinite loop of the carousel items. true
autoFocus boolean If true, the carousel container will automatically when it's loaded. true
slideWithKeyboard 'none' | 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' Enables sliding with keyboard arrow keys. 'both'
swipeable boolean Enables swipe interaction for the carousel on touch devices. true
swipeDirection 'horizontal' | 'vertical' Direction of swipe allowed. 'horizontal'
onSwipeStart (event: TouchEvent) => void Callback function triggered when a swipe starts. undefined
onSwipeEnd (event: TouchEvent) => void Callback function triggered when a swipe ends. undefined
onSwipeMove (event: TouchEvent) => void Callback function triggered during a swipe move. undefined
showStatus boolean If true, displays status for the carousel. true
status StatusProps Additional Status props (see table below). {}
showArrows boolean If true, displays arrows navigation buttons. true
arrows ArrowsProps Additional Arrows props (see table below). {}
showIndicators boolean If true, displays indicators for each item in the carousel. true
indicators IndicatorsProps Additional Indicators props (see table below). {}

Default Option Props

These props are only effective when layout is set to 'default'.

Prop Name Type Description Default Value
numOfSlides 'auto' | 2 |3 | 5 Number of slides to show, or 'auto' for automatic adjustment. 'auto'
widthFactor number Carousel spread factor for width. 1
depthFactor number Depth intensity for the carousel effect. 1
angleFactor number Rotation intensity for each item. 1

Custom Layout (CarouselLayoutInfo)

Try using the Custom Layout Editor !

CarouselLayoutInfo lets you define custom layouts for carousel items, controlling each item’s size, position, and rotation relative to the selected item. Each CarouselLayoutInfo entry consists of multiple LayoutInfo objects applied to items based on their index.

The default layout uses the same structure. See Example.


By default, each carousel item is centered within the container.

export type LayoutInfo = {
  width?: number | string // scales with container width if a number. When it's undefined or 'auto', the width prop is used.
  height?: number | string // scales with container height if a number. When it's undefined or 'auto', the height prop is used.
  translate: {
    x: number | string // scales with container width if a number
    y: number | string // scales with container height if a number
    z: number | string // scales with container width if a number
  rotate: {
    x: number // in degrees
    y: number // in degrees
    z: number // in degrees
  offset: {
    x: number | string // scales with item width if a number
    y: number | string // scales with item height if a number
    z: number | string // scales with item width if a number


CarouselLayoutInfo defines the layout for each carousel item, including a default-key layout used when no specific layout is provided.

  • 0: Represents the selected item
  • Positive numbers: For upcoming items
  • Negative numbers: For previous items
export type CarouselLayoutInfo = {
  default: LayoutInfo
  [key: number]: LayoutInfo

Arrows Props

Arrows props are sub-fields used under the arrows object prop in the Carousel component.

Prop Name Type Description Default Value
width string Width of the arrow buttons. '3rem'
height string Height of the arrow buttons. '5rem'
color string Color of the arrow buttons. '#ffffff'
hoverColor string Color of the arrow buttons when hovered and active. '#888888'
shadow string CSS Drop shadow style for the arrow buttons. '0 0.05rem 0.1rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)'
prevIcon JSX.Element Custom icon for the previous arrow. undefined
nextIcon JSX.Element Custom icon for the next arrow. undefined
nextArrowTranslate [string, string] Translation offset for the next arrow button. [X, Y] ['0px', '0px']
prevArrowTranslate [string, string] Translation offset for the previous arrow button. [X, Y] ['0px', '0px']
onClickNext (e: MouseEvent) => void Callback function triggered when the next arrow is clicked. undefined
onClickPrev (e: MouseEvent) => void Callback function triggered when the previous arrow is clicked. undefined

Indicators Props

Indicators props are sub-fields used under the indicators object prop in the Carousel component.

Prop Name Type Description Default Value
width string Width of each indicator. '0.7rem'
height string Height of each indicator. '0.7rem'
color string Color of the inactive indicators. '#ffffff'
activeColor string Color of the indicator when active and hovered. '#888888'
gap string Gap between each indicator. '1.5rem'
shadow string CSS Drop shadow style for the indicators. '0 0.05rem 0.1rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
translate [string, string] Translation offset for the indicators container. [X, Y] ['0px', '0px']
indicatorIcon JSX.Element Custom icon for indicators. undefined
onClick (e: MouseEvent, index: number) => void Callback function triggered when an indicator is clicked. undefined

Status Props

Status props are sub-fields used under the status object prop in the Carousel component.

Prop Name Type Description Default Value
color string Color of the status text. '#ffffff'
fontSize string Font size of the status text. '1rem'
fontWeight string Font weight of the status text. '600'
shadow string CSS Text shadow style for the status text. '0 0.05rem 0.1rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
translate [string, string] Translation offset for the status container. [X, Y] ['0px', '0px']

🗂️ Context API

The CarouselContext is a React context that provides access to the current index of the carousel. This makes it easy to integrate custom behaviors based on the carousel's current state.

type DefaultContext = {
  curIndex: number
  setCurIndex: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>
  slideNext: () => void
  slidePrev: () => void

Use the CarouselContext within the <Carousel /> component. For example, you can access it in any React component passed as the items or children prop.

import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import { CarouselContext } from 'react-responsive-3d-carousel'

function CarouselItem() {
  const { curIndex, setCurIndex } = useContext(CarouselContext)

  return (
      <p>Current Slide: {curIndex}</p>
      <button onClick={() => setCurIndex(0)}>Go to first slide</button>

🎨 Customization

  • You can fully customize the carousel by overriding its default CSS styles.
  • To prevent style conflicts, all class names are prefixed with react-responsive-3d-carousel. Refer to the images below for details on each class name.


carouse classnames


  • The *-container class positions the component with position: absolute and applies pointer-events: none to prevent interference with user interactions over carousel items.
  • Access each arrow button using the button child selector.

arrows classnames

Status and Indicators

  • The *-container classes position the components with position: absolute and applies pointer-events: none to prevent interference with user interactions over carousel items.
  • Use the p child selector to style the status text.
  • Use the ul and li child selectors to style indicators.

status and indicators classnames

📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the if you want to contribute.

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If you like this project, please give it a ⭐️ on GitHub!