- Create 2 Files (1 HTML, 1 JavaScript, 1 CSS)
- Set up HTML file first.
. - Create an H1 tag with RPS as the Header and a container to hold everything
- Make sure that IDs are added to the divs with the notion we will go back and add css AND need to target elements for DOM Scripting
- Build out status bar with 3 buttons for Rock, Paper, and Scissors
- Build a Start Button
- Making sure we have connectable IDs on the HTML, Start by connecting the DOM elements in the JS with
and creating an array for storing player moves with agetElementsByClassName()
- Then set up an event listener for the start button
- Start creating game variables for scores, timers, and possible moves within the game (rock, paper, scissors)
- Start fleshing out the start game function that starts the game once the start button is clicked.
- Target the status Bar to alert the player that the game will start in 3 seconds
- Leave space to add timer functionality upon startup
- Create a function to count up to 3, on 4 it says go and clears the interval and enables the RPS buttons for game play
- This should start by randomly generating a move from the moves array
- Then when button is clicked for the turn, it disables the buttons entirely
- This will also display both the player move and comp move.
- More this on a minute so leave space to come back and add functionality
- Create a function where you pass the player and comp through as arguments where you will compare these variables and determine whose the winner based on a condition that looks like this
((moveMap[comp] - moveMap[player] + 3) % 3 === 1)
- This formula checks to determine and declare winner, turning into to string to run through IF statement in playerTurn Function
- With the winner assigned to a variable, we can now run it through an IF ELSE statement to display the appropiate winner
- This should then enable the previously disable start button and awards a point to the winner that will be display for as many games that are played.
- You do you