Project made to customize the web version of WhatsApp.
black: #161925
blue: #07e6ea
lilac: #ac51ea
rose: #ff3cad
orange: #ff8e5f
yellow: #fffb02
purple: #9c27b0
- fixed bugs on todo list;
blur images;screen dimmer;- create a crontab to monitorate and trigger notifications equals bot reminMe of Twitter;
- add a button to transform audio in text using that(;
- if the user is recording an audio longer than a minute, change the text to "is recording a podcast";
- fix bugs on blur images;
- extension for Chrome;
How to use? For now as it is in the testing phase, I have been using a browser extension to put it into production. Follow the link:
To use a todo list, use(without comma):
'- [ ]' to create a blank checklist;
'- [x]' to create a marked checklist;