We want to provide each other with better explanations of how things work. These explanations come in a few forms.
Live sketches and explorations through jupyter notebooks for interactive playing around. The current stack is python 3.5, jupyter, tensorflow, matplotlib, though contributors are feel free to change dependencies or use containerization if it makes development of their notebooks smoother.
We encourage others to extend and modify notebooks with other lines of inquiry.
Well-understood and digested papers, blogs, and other resources. When we read to present it encourages clean and thorough understanding. With high quality summaries we all learn faster.
If you have a particular paper you would like summarized, create a github issue with a link (no paywalls please) and a short description of why you find it a valuable.
If you have a summary you think would add to this repository, feel free to fork and submit a pull request.
To be initialized. As we implement minimal versions of papers for more thorough understanding, they may live here. Expect larger projects to find their own repositories, which may optionally be linked here.