Releases: BoevaLab/FREEC
RSSerror.* files were removed
Control-FREEC v10.4
Can read vcf.gz to create minipileups (before only .bed, bed.gz and vcf were accepted)
FREEC v10.3
_info.txt file has been added to the output that summarizes FREEC output and options:
- ploidy
- contamination
- version of FREEC
- etc. See Manual
FREEC v10.2
Some cleaning of the code
FREEC v10.1
- GC-content file gets its prefix;
- reading of pileup files is corrected for exome-seq data
Control-FREEC v9.9 - subclone detection now works
Suggested use for subclone detection:
minimalSubclonePresence = 0.2
This will identify possible subclones present in >20% of cell population
Also, one can use sambamba for bam reading and minipileup creation.
FREEC v9.8
There was a important bug for whole genome sequencing analysis in several previous versions. This bug caused empty files with the latest gcc compiler or resulted in segmentation faults. It is now corrected.
v9.8 - without dubugging info printed
v9.8b removed CHECK lines
FREEC v9.7b - changes in Makefile
Version v9.7 did no compile as the Makefile was not updated. Now it is fixed.
FREEC v9.7
Support for minipileup creation for WGS data from .BAM files
Please remove RSSerror.cpp and RSSerror.h before compiling.