JDAEventer is a JDA Library for a better event system, currently pretty small but many features still coming.
JDAEventer aims to manage your events better than regular ListenerAdapter
- No more reason to use specific method named method for event to work
- priorities for events
- better management for all your listeners (well not really possible now)
- Very easy to use, if you already use regular jda listeners switching isn't hard
- Remove all listeners related to a listener class using its class
- Add some information to an event for other listeners to know about
- Fire Custom Events!
The library is in alpha. Until now there is no major release, or major alpha release, you can get the latest snapshot version from here or for a jar file use CI
Add the repository
And the dependency
Add the repository
repositories {
maven { url 'https://repo.bluetree242.ml/repository/maven-public/' }
And the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.BlueTree242:JDAEventer:VERSION'
Javadoc can be found here
public class Bot {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JDAEventer eventer = new JDAEventer();
JDA jda; //init your jda instance here
jda.addEventListener(eventer.getRootListener()); //if you want add this in the builder of jda
//now forget about registering events from jda, register them in eventer!
eventer.addListener(new MessageListener());
public class MessageListener implements DiscordListener {
@HandleEvent //default priority is NORMAL
public void onMessage(MessageReceivedEvent e, EventInformation info) { //method name doesn't matter anymore, info is optional
info.addNote("wasListened", true);
//some code
@HandleEvent(priority = HandlerPriority.MONITOR) //monitor means your listener will be the last to be called, you shouldn't delete message here
public void onLastListenMessage(MessageReceivedEvent e, EventInformation info) { //info is optional, if you don't need it then don't add it
System.out.println(info.getNoteBoolean("wasListened")); //should print true
//onMessage() will be called before onLastListenMessage()! This guarantee that wasListened is true unless another third handler removes it.
- Don't delete message (or remove reaction in reaction event etc) if its MONITOR, if you wish you should use HIGHEST priority
Marking events as cancelledAddedAdding event notes, for other listeners to read and know some information (for example let other listeners know if this message isn't regular and is a command)Added- Schedule an event to run for temporary time, and removes itself (or manually but easy)
- Limit a listener to a specific guild, in 1 line of code!