The MonoGame.RuntimeBuilder builds your raw content asynchronously to the .XNB format during runtime.
This library is a part of the MonoGame.Forms project, but it is fully usable without the MonoGame.Forms library!
Using the MonoGame.RuntimeBuilder is fairly easy:
// Creating the property.
private RuntimeBuilder _RuntimeBuilder { get; set; }
// Initialize the RuntimeBuilder.
_RuntimeBuilder = new RuntimeBuilder(
Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "working"), // working directory
Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "working", "obj"), // intermediate directory
Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Content"), // output directory
TargetPlatform.Windows, // target platform
GraphicsProfile.Reach, // graphics profile
true) // compress the content
Logger = new StringBuilderLogger() // logger
// Pick Files & Build Content.
private async void ButtonPickFiles_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
await _RuntimeBuilder.BuildContent(openFileDialog.FileNames);
And... that's it!
A content build list will be generated for you so that in case you just want to rebuild your files, you simply need to call _RuntimeBuilder.BuildContent(); (without parameters) again.
The RuntimeBuilder.cs class is actually just a wrapper around the original MGCB tool, so it contains all of its features and functionality. Take a look at it and you will see that everything is pretty self-explanatory.
Just one note:
To get log information you need to use a ContentBuildLogger. You can also inherit from this class to build your own logger.
Fortunately this library already contains a StringBuilderLogger as an example :)
There is generally a sample project included in this repo, which shows pretty much everything. It's fully documented (comments) as well as the most important parts of the library.