Discord's scrapped Design Experiment V4, made real.
DDEX4 is designed for Discord's Visual Refresh! This can be enabled by doing the following:
- Enable/install the plugin in your client mod that allows Discord Experiments to be shown
- Open User Settings and scroll to Experiments
- Search
- Click on the result and set the Bucket Override to Treatment 2.
add https://blade04208.github.io/ddex4/import.css
to your online themes
download ddex4.theme.css
and put it in your local themes.
download ddex4.theme.css
and put it in your themes folder.
[ ] fix lag dear god [ ] fix buggeth [ ] add actual cut-off-notch support to the server list
you can contribute to either fix bugs, make faster, or make it closer-looking to the original theme
- obsidianninja11 for the searchbar-to-icon snippet
- .voidbbg for the bubble snippet
- discord for creating this peak of a concept