The ultimate notification banners hiding tweak. Disabling notifications for any app in a gesture!
Supports ios 13.0-14.5
You only get the private notification while your phone isn’t in your hand, for example while showing photo/video to your friend you get that private notification banner that he shouldn’t see it.
- Hide all notifications banners from the applications.
- Activator toggle to enable/disable the tweak.
- Haptic FeedBack when the tweak is enabled.
- Timer for auto disable.
- Status bar dot indicator.
- CC toggle to enable/disable.
- Ability to include/exclude apps.
- Ability to hide apps badges.
- Ability to get alert when toggle enable/disabled.
- Ability to include/exclude contacts.
You can get it from Packix repo.
Avya is free and open source, it's my first tweak, releasing a tweak always was my dream, I worked hard to develop this tweak. For more features feel free to contact me on Twitter, and don’t forget to Follow Me @BStar_dev! I am open for developing more tweaks (dm on Twitter). I am also looking for developers to help me continue to develop this tweak! (dm on Twitter).
Special Thanks for @eliassfeir1! and @Lacertosus!
- isEnabaled = NO (after respring the tweak will be off).
- Fixed issue on ios 13.
- Added timer for the tweak.
- Added respring button.