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Cypress-Cucumber setup for E2E testing

The step definitions are available for every feature. Every step definition can be found under cypress/support/step_definitions.

Gitlab CI

This test contains a working Gitlab CI configuration


How to run

Run via npm install and npm test:

npm i


npm run test

// Using tags
npm run test -- --env TAGS='@yourTag'

Skip strategy

You can add a @skip tag to you test, if something is temporarily failing. Once the test is passing, Cucumber will exit with a status code 1 to let us know, that the tests are not work in progress anymore.

npm run test -- --env TAGS='not @skip'

Run tests in Cypress Dashboard for debugging

npm run cypress:open

Run Cypress for a specific browser

Inside the Cypress dashboard, choose the browser.

For the terminal:

"cypress:chrome": "cypress run --browser chrome --headless",

The browser must be installed, even inside a docker with the correct name.