- Create an App on Slack here
- Create a bot for that App guide
- Grab your API token from the OAuth & Permissions Page for your App (it will begin like "xoxb-")
- For your bot to respond to events (like mentions) you have to have a URL that can receive data POSTed to it
- Verify that you own that URL with Slack on the "Event Subscriptions" page or your App
- Subscribe to bot events (e.g. "app_mention" is the event name for when someone mentions your bot)
- Got to OAuth & Permissions to request permissions for your bot
- Every time you change permissions your App will have to be reinstalled (the Scopes section)
- Make sure your bot has sufficient permissions to do what you want it to do (read messages, write messages, etc)
token: '' /* censored */,
team_id: 'TEAM_ID_HERE',
api_app_id: 'API_APP_ID',
event: {
client_msg_id: 'c2acebcc-1eaa-4214-89aa-b4e28967d2f9',
type: 'app_mention',
text: '<@U01RW21U7DG> this is a test message!',
user: 'U01S88GES7K',
ts: '1616201941.005400',
team: 'T01RNS9FTJA',
blocks: [ [Object] ],
channel: 'C01RVS1LDEX',
event_ts: '1616201941.005400'
type: 'event_callback',
event_id: 'Ev01SM8C556U',
event_time: 1616201941,
authorizations: [
is_ext_shared_channel: false,
The most important parts here are:
- event.type
- event.text (what did the message say?)
- event.channel (what channel was it in?)
Then we post back what we want our bot to say:
// API endpoint for bots to post
const destination = 'https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage';
// the data we are sending to Slack
const data = {
token: token, // not sure if this needs to be here or if header is enough
channel: channel,
text: botResponse
const stringifiedData = qs.stringify(data);
// set the header so we are authorized
const headers = {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
// let it fly!
axios.post(destination, stringifiedData, { headers: headers })
.then((result) => {