Codi is an educational platform that provides a platform for student-teacher cooperation including course management, homework assignments and innovative review process. Main goal of the project is to allow users to have a full-fledged educational experience with live coding sessions and review. The project is based on replit
- Platform: .NET 6
- Network: REST, SignalR, RabbitMQ
- Database: MS SQL Server, Entity Framework Core
- Cloud: Azure
- Other: JWT, Firebase, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Docker
- Angular
- Bootstrap
By default, apps run on the following ports:
Application | Port |
Codi.Core | 5050 |
Codi.Notifier | 5070 |
Codi.Builder | 5090 |
Codi.Frontend | 80 or 4200 |
RabbitMQ | 5672 |
Elasticsearch | 9200 |
Kibana | 5601 |
MongoDB | 27017 |
Tip: If you want to connect to the specific service outside of docker, then use "localhost" as a service name, but if both services are inside docker, use service_name from a "docker-compose" file instead.
Make sure you read and follow .NET Quality Criteria. Also, there are some best practices for frontend development: Angular and Typescript
- Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose.
- Pull this repo to your machine.
- You can build and run all application containers via
docker-compose -f docker-compose.apps.yml up -d
command. - You can pull and run all 3rd-party services (MSSQL Server, ELK, RabbitMQ) via
docker-compose -f up -d
command. - Happy coding! 😎
- Download and install .NET 6 SDK.
- It might be usefull to have EF CLI. Install via command: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- Download and install LTS version of Node.js
- Install Angular-CLI via: npm install -g @angular/cli. What is Angular-CLI?
- ESLint (analysis tool that checks TypeScript\JavaScript code for readability, maintainability, and functionality errors)
- EditorConfig (helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project)
Some extra extensions which can significantly help to work with Angular:
- Angular Language Service (intelliSense for Angular templates)
- Angular Snippets
- Angular Schematics (working with Angular schematics via UI)
This is a list of the required environment variables:
RABBIT_MQ_USERNAME - RabbitMQ username
RABBIT_MQ_PASSWORD - RabbitMQ user password
SA_PASSWORD - MSSQL Server "SA" user password
MONGO_USERNAME - MongoDB username
MONGO_PASSWORD - MongoDB user password