This project focuses on simulating incompressible laminar flow around cylinders using the finite element method implemented using deal.II library coded in C++. Various preconditioners and MPI for parallelization are employed to improve performance and manage the extensive computational demands.
The 2D and 3D meshes generated with Gmsh for the simulations are located in the mesh folder. For 2D simulations, the file "mesh_2D_coarse" can be used. For 3D simulations, a variety of meshes are available, ranging from the coarser "mesh-0.1" to the finer "mesh-0.0125."
The source code is organized into three main files:
- main.cpp: This file handles the general execution of the program. It serves as the entry point, calling functions, and managing the overall process.
- Navier_Stokes.cpp: This file contains the implementation of all functions needed to assemble and solve the Navier-Stokes equations.
- Navier_Stokes.hpp: This header file contains the declarations of all the classes and function prototypes used in the project. It defines the data structures and interfaces ecessary for the implementation in Navier_Stokes.cpp.
To build the executable, make sure you have loaded the needed modules with
module load gcc-glibc dealii
Then run the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The executable will be created into build, and can be executed through ./executable-name.
By executing only ./executable-main, the program will be executed with default paramenters; to change the parameters of the simulation run:
./executable-name --flag <value>
A helper function can be summoned by writing
./executable-name -h
./executable-name --help