This project was a three day exercise ("Makerthon") as part of the Makers Academy Web Development Bootcamp.
###Makeathon Team:
- Andy Newman (@andyg72)
- Bibiana Cristofol (@BibianaC)
- Emily Sas (@emilysas)
- Marcin Walendzik (@marcinwal)
- Richard Ighodaro (@iggyster3)
##Top Level User Story
- As a time pressed, new hungry individual
- I want to understand the meaning behind Twitter's top trends
##Solution SmartTwits aims to provide users with information about currently trending tweets with a view to shedding a little light on the context of the trend. It displays the top ten trending tweets on the left hand side, and upon users clicking these, provides details of:
- the most frequently occuring words within the trending tweets
- the trending tweets that have the most retweets
- the most frequently occuring mentions within the trending tweets
- the trending tweets from users with the most followers
- trending tweets that originated from media organisations
###Components The solution has two key elements;
- a back end, that can operate on a set schedule (defaulted to 10 minutes), that retrieves the top trends and gathers associated information and writes it to flat files.
- a front end, that manipulates and presents the information to the user.
##How to run the app
###Creating data Before running any queries against the Twitter API, you will need to have set up credentials with Twitter. These then need to be stored in a file in the root of the repository, with the following structure;
####On a scheduled (section to be completed)
####As a one off exercise $ enter IRB
- require './lib/api_twit'
- update =
- update.refresh_all_twitter_data
###Running the front end $ rackup
- open http://localhost:9292/
- Then click on any of the top trends on the left hand side and the information will update.