Opauth strategy for PayPal authentication.
Implemented based on @uzyn's initial repository and updated to work with the new PayPal API.
Install Opauth-PayPal:
cd path_to_opauth/Strategy git clone https://github.com/BetterBrief/opauth-paypal.git PayPal
Create PayPal application at https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/applications
- Select [Create Application] under "My Apps"
- Fill in the application creation form.
- Switch on "Log In With PayPal" and fill out the required fields. Note "Return URL" is not the OAuth process return URL.
Configure Opauth-PayPal strategy with at least
App ID
andApp Secret
. -
Direct user to
to authenticate
Required parameters:
'PayPal' => array(
* @var string
'app_id' => 'YOUR APP ID',
* @var string
'app_secret' => 'YOUR APP SECRET',
* @var string space separated scopes
'scopes' => 'openid profile address email',
* @var boolean
'sandbox' => 'USE_THE_SANDBOX',
Data available from the identity call are detailed here: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/integration/direct/log-in-with-paypal/detailed/#attributes
The scope names are mostly inherited from the OpenID spec here: http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0.html#scopes License
Opauth-PayPal is MIT Licensed
Copyright © 2012 U-Zyn Chua (http://uzyn.com)