- asset loader (appcache) and cache.manifest generator (PHP)
- init (rendering views, modals)
- videoPlayer (with escape and space keyboard events)
- view switcher (based on hash)
- all video files converted into mp4 (x264/aac)
- all audio files converted into mp3
- all video, audio, JPGs files stored in the assets/ folder, with the hierarchy of the CD bundles
- favicon and font :)
- #mainMenu (styles, buttons, mainMenu video)
- #mainMenu/map (position links, style "Done" button)
- #characters (menu: video, links, lighten on hover)
- #characters/main (menu: music, circle links and hover, text)
- #characters/main/map (links and labels)
- #characters/aliens/
- #technology (menu: video, links, hover)
- #technology/vehicles/
- #technology/weapons/
- #locations (menu: music, circle links and hover)
- huge assets folder (over 500MB), need to compress
- view switcher doesn't map all characters/weapons to a single view yet (/characters/main/LUKE/ should point to the view introduction with LUKE data)
- Chrome for Android can't play() video until a user gesture (explicit play from user) [Flag available]
- Creating and stylizing all the views (THE BIG PART OF THE PROJECT)
- converting DATABASE textual content into a json database file
- some important sounds and images files, but I'll need some help to convert them (.SAD and .BM files respectively)
- This section has to be updated with all missing tasks