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Configuring SMTP

Bodhi Mulders edited this page Apr 1, 2021 · 2 revisions

In order to be able to enable certain features, like email verification or password resets, a SMTP server has to be configured for ShiraKamiSRS to be able to send out emails.


The configuration for this can be done by setting the right environment variables on your Docker container.

The environment variables for this are as follows:

Environment Variable Description Value Example Value Default
SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS The address from which emails will be sent String [email protected]
SMTP_FROM_NAME The name of the sender String My ShiraKamiSRS Instance
SMTP_HOST The hostname/address of the SMTP server String smtp.yourprovider.tld
SMTP_USER The username to use for authentication String [email protected]
SMTP_PASSWORD The password to use for authentication String hunter2
SMTP_PORT The port the SMTP server runs on Integer 587
SMTP_SECURE Whether to enable SSL/TLS Boolean true false
SMTP_SUPPRESS When set to true, ShiraKamiSRS will not send any emails, but still allow e-mail related functionality to be enabled. The relevant information which would otherwise be emailed is still logged to the console. Boolean false


Currently there is no "proper" way to test if you have correctly configured ShiraKamiSRS to communicate with your SMTP server. The best way to do this, is by triggering ShiraKamiSRS to send an email. A way of doing this is to enable Password Resets and then attempting to reset your account password. If you receive the email, you will know you have correctly configured the SMTP server. If you do not, check the logs.