Event router service routes the events from Bhamni to external system and vice versa. As of now it supports routing the message from Bahmni to GCP Pub sub. Configuration has to be provided both as an environment variable and through configuration files. Note: We expect the message to be received and published in JSON format.
mvn clean package
JDK 1.17
example: mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-DGCP_PUB_SUB_ENABLED=true -DGCP_PROJECT_ID=gcp-pubsub-id -DGCP_CREDENTIALS_FILE_LOCATION=/Users/Documents/gcp-pubsub-93eb.json -DBAHMNI_ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URL=tcp://localhost:61616 -DBAHMNI_ACTIVEMQ_TO_GCP_ROUTE_ENABLED=true -DBAHMNI_ACTIVEMQ_TO_GCP_FAILED_ROUTE_ENABLED=false -DROUTE_DESCRIPTION_FILE_LOCATION=/Users/riteshghiya/Documents/route-descriptions.json -DLOGGING_LEVEL=INFO"
- source define the bahmni topic to be consumed.
- destination defines the gcp topic to be published to based on the eventType. This eventType we expect to receive in header.
- errorDestination defines the one of the queue in JMS to be published to in case of error.
- maxRetryDelivery defines the number of times the message should be retried to be published to gcp topic in case of error.
- retryDelay defines the delay between each retry.
- cronExpressionForRetryStart defines the cron expression to start the scheduler to process the failed events.
- cronExpressionForRetryStop defines the cron expression to stop the scheduler to process the failed events.
- additionalProperties defines the additional properties to be added to the message/payload.
- filterOnProperties defines the properties to be filtered out from the message/payload.