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Classes Input

MonikaVo edited this page Apr 16, 2024 · 4 revisions

The structure of this directory

This directory includes subdirectories relating to quantities. For each quantity, an file collects all the classes defined for this quantity. Furthermore, per quantity exists one file, which defines a class containing the minimal set of keys necessary to specify the quantity. Some methods may require additional keys in their input. In such cases, a specific input file <method name>.py is created, which uses the class defined in as one of its keys and contains further keys.

The structure of the directory is depicted below:

    └── <quantity name>
            └── <method name>.py

What kind of classes are collected here?

This directory collects the classes relevant to requests within MAPs running FINALES. The classes defined here specify the inputs required for the methods available in the MAP. These classes use the definitions in the classes_common directory and assign them to keys in the inputs for methods.

Existing input classes

quantity name method name file name description
capacity - Definition of the minimal inputs needed for a cycling experiment.
cell_assembly - Definition of the minimal inputs needed for cell assembly.
conductivity - Definition of the minimal inputs needed for the determination of ionic conductivity.
cycling_channel - Definition of the minimal inputs needed for the reservation of channels for cycling experiments.
degradationEOL - Definition of the minimal inputs needed for early lifetime prediction.
density - Prepared, but up to now unused definition of the minimal inputs needed for the determination of density.
electrolyte - Definition of the minimal inputs defining an electrolyte formulation.
electrolyte flow Definition of the inputs needed to provide an electrolyte formulation for further use.
radial_distribution_function - Prepared, but up to now unused definition of the minimal inputs required to determine the radial distribution function (RDF).
transport - Definition of the minimal inputs defining a transportation task.
viscosity - Prepared, but up to now unused definition of the minimal inputs for determining a viscosity value.

How to import the classes defined in this directory?

The classes defined in this directory can be imported by calling from classes_input import <quantity name> as <quantity name>_input. The aliasing is recommended to differentiate the input specifications from the output specifications.