The Siren of Shame USB device historically only runs from a PC running the Siren of Shame desktop app. Mac and Linux users, or anyone wanting to run the monitor on an inexpensive dedicated device, were mostly out of luck.
For the brave there was node-sos-device, which allows Siren of Shame to work from a Raspberry Pi. However, that client didn't have a display, and lacked achievements, reputation, audible alerts, My CI, Team CI Pro and a host of other features provided by the desktop client.
Siren of Shame UWP is a cross platform replacement for the desktop siren of shame client. It monitors builds, tracks achievements and reputation, and powers the siren device, all from a Raspberry Pi running Windows IoT. It is also a port of the Siren of Shame desktop app.
There are a large number of projects to facilitate flexibility with respect to running this project on a Raspberry Pi, on a Desktop PC, and eventually with Xamarin for Mac.
Portable (PCL) project for IotWeb dependency that provides a web sockets based web server for Windows IoT.
UWP project for IotWeb dependency that provides a web sockets based web server for Windows IoT.
A .Net Standard library that contains the Models, Interfaces, Constants, and Services that are used by all apps.
Eventually this will have ViewModels in it too.
A blank app to fix the bug
A UWP Background Project that runs headless on a Raspberry Pi. It serves two primary purposes:
First, it runs a web server based on
IotWeb. This
web site serves as the admin portal for the app. It
allows users to, for example, add/delete/change CI servers. It
serves up static files from \wwwroot
and uses web sockets to communicate in realtime with
browsers. The html and javascript content originates from the SirenOfShame.Uwp.Web
project. The SirenOfShame.Uwp.Server project contains all of
the server-side logic for the web server.
The second purpose of the SirenOfShame.Uwp.Background project is to monitor CI servers and process the results. It tracks achievements and reputation, tells the siren device when to turn on or off, and notifies the UI to update itself. All of this logic lives in SirenOfShame.Uwp.Watcher.
MessageRelay receives messages from either SirenOfShame.Uwp.Background or SirenOfShame.Uwp.Ui and then relays the messages back out to other listeners.
Since SirenOfShame.Uwp.Background can only run on a Raspberry Pi, the SirenOfShame.Uwp.Server UWP library contains all logic for processing admin site requests with platform agnostic code.
Unit tests for all of the various UWP projects.
A UWP App that duplicates the functionality in SirenOfShame.Uwp.Background on an x86 PC rather than a Raspberry Pi. This project can be used in conjunction with SirenOfShame.Uwp.Web for testing the admin portal without deploying to a Raspberry Pi thereby avoiding time consuming deploys and speeding up development.
However, there is a limitation of UWP that must be overcome to get the web app to successfully connect with the back end via WebSockets. On UWP projects, it is disallowed to hit a UWP endpoint with "localhost", "" or anything related. To avoid that you can spin up a VM and browse to the web project from the VM. Then hit the web browser is using http://computername:8080 (or whatever) thus avoiding the limitation.
Displays build information for a projector or touch display. Receives data from SirenOfShame.Uwp.Background.
A Portable Class Library that contains all of the ported code from the SoS Desktop App for monitoring CI servers, tracking reputation, achievements, build events, and processing rules via the rules engine.
An ASP.Net Core web project that that is the origin of the administrative web portal of the siren of shame raspberry pi project.
To deploy initially run gulp deploy
(generally only required
once). Then run without debugging in Visual Studio. After
that gulp watch
will continually monitor
and compile all typescript files.
To deploy to the pi run gulp pideploy
will copy the Angular 2 based web app into SirenOfShame.Uwp.Background/wwwroot/
There are two main ways to work:
- On a Raspberry Pi, in 'production'
- On a PC in 'mock' mode
The second option is trickier to set up, but has the fastest dev feedback cycle.
- Install either a standard Windows IoT image or better a Siren of Shame image (see Production Deploy below) onto a Raspberry Pi using IoT Core Dashboard
For first time setup follow these instructions. You can skip various steps for subsequent deploys.
Deploy SirenOfShame.Uwp.MessageRelay so UI can communicate with Background App
- Set SirenOfShame.Uwp.MessageRelay as startup
- Solution Platform -> ARM
- Set Project Properties ->
->Remote Machine
to you're PI's IP address or WINS name - Right click Deploy
- Should see "Deploy succeeded"
gulp pideploy
from Siren.Uwp.Web (optionally from the Task Runner Explorer window) to ensure SirenOfShame.Uwp.Server contains latest -
Open port 80 on the Raspberry Pi by running
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Open Port 80" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=80
from "Run Command" in the Windows Device Portal -
Deploy SirenOfShame.Uwp.Background to Raspberry Pi
- Set SirenOfShame.Uwp.Background as startup
- Solution Platform -> ARM
- Set Project Properties ->
->Remote Machine
to you're PI's IP address or WINS name - Start With Debugging (F5)
- If no errors either Start Without Debugging Ctrl-F5 or start 'SirenOfShame.Uwp.Background' from the Raspberry PI's App Manager web interface
Navigate to http://[raspiurl]/ and add a Mock Server
Deploy SirenOfShame.Uwp.Ui
- Set SirenOfShame.Uwp.Ui as startup
- Solution Platform -> ARM
- Set Project Properties ->
->Remote Machine
to you're PI's IP address or WINS name - Start With Debugging (F5)
If you get an error when doing an F5 deploy of the UI app to a Raspberry Pi like:
"Unable to activate windows store app the application appears to already be running"
Then try setting some other app as the startup app (e.g. IoTUAPOOBEForeground, it doesn't seem to do anything).
For first time setup follow these instructions to get Mock mode working.
UWP-based servers can not be hit via localhost, so:
- Set up a VM or other computer that can access your dev machine
- Open up port 8080 for your web server
- Set SirenOfShame.Uwp.Web as startup project and Start Without Debugging. Note: if you navigate to the web server on from you dev machine the site will come up, but it will not be able to communicate with the back-end over web sockets (which happens to be on port 8001)
- Set SirenOfShame.Uwp.TestServer up as startup project and Start Without Debugging
- Hit http://[mycomputer]:8080/ from another machine
- Add a 'Mock' CI Server via the menu on the web page
- Set SirenOfShame.Uwp.MessageRelay as startup project and right click + deploy
- Set SirenOfShame.Uwp.Ui as startup project and Start it
- Click 'Mock Server' from the web page to throw mock CI info into the UWP UI
The siren of shame PI app gets published onto an .ffu image that can be burned to an SD card. Generating an ffu image involves some setup. Burning an ffu image is pretty straightfoward, but requires a PC (at present).
- Install the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK), Windows Driver Kit (WDK), and everything else listed here: Get the tools needed to customize Windows IoT Core
- Clone the sos-uwp-pi branch of AutomatedArchitecture/iot-adk-addonkit
- For each UWP app generate appx files via right click -> Store -> Create App Packages. Send to
for each of the following:- SirenOfShame.Uwp.Ui ->
- SirenOfShame.Uwp.Background ->
- SirenOfShame.Uwp.MessageRelay ->
- SirenOfShame.Uwp.Ui ->
- Move output files up a directory as necessary
- Run
, select ARM - Run
(removes assets from the output directory\Build\arm\SirenOfShame
) - One time only:
- Build the Raspberry Pi Board Support Packages (e.g.
) see Build a Raspberry Pi BSP in Lab 1a
- Rebuild all appx files like
buildpkg All
or individually for subsequent installs like:buildpkg Appx.SosUi
buildpkg Appx.SosBackground
buildpkg Appx.SosRelay
buildfm oem
to generate updated files in the MergedFMs folder.- REMOVE EXTERNAL DRIVES
buildimage SirenOfShame test
- Veriy output file at Build\arm\SirenOfShame\test\Flash.ffu
- Insert an SD Card
- Either burn the resulting ffu to the SD Card via GUI with the IoT Core Dashboard
- Or from command line
flashsd SirenOfShame test 1
where 1 is the drive number as determined bydiskmgmt.msc
(i.e. if it says Disk 1 for drive E, F, G, H, then use the value 1)
- To customize the windows image modify \Source-arm\Products\SirenOfShame\TestOEMInput.xml see OEMInput file contents