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Setting up a camera jetson
Below are the steps to put a camera jetson into device mode to be able to re-image it. There are photos accompanying these instructions on the huntsman important docs google drive under /huntsman_important_documents/subsystems/nvidia/Jetson Setup Accompanying Notes
Please carefully review the photos before starting.
- You will need:
- a phillips head screwdriver
- a pair of long nose tweezers (long nose pliers are too big)
Ensure that none of your tools are magnetised before starting
Unscrew the heat sink - some of the screws might be different sizes but there is no rhyme or reason to the positioning - for some jetsons the screws are all the same.
Push the excessive cabling aside to see the H D pin next to the usb 2 ports
With the tweezers carefully remove the cap on the pin. It is secured tightly, so just gently encourage it up and off.
Once off, move the pin from H for host, to D for device. Push it down firmly. Orientation of the pin is given on the google docs images.
Replace cabling. Orientate the heat sink so the heat sink markers on the base of it are over the grey contact points. Replace screws. The USB port 1 will now be in device mode.
The jetson's can't be re-imaged like the pi's because they don't have removable memory. They must be put into device mode, and then re-imaged using usb port 1, and a female to female usb cable.
The OS or "BSP" as it is called, is a combination of the usual nvidia jetpack OS, plus some extra features to make the hardware on the floyd carried box work. The version we are using with the jetsons can be found in the Backup version BSP
in the huntsman important documents directory huntsman_important_documents/subsystems/camera computers/floyd-jetbox info
Look for the hole with 'rec' on the front of the jetson. Using a small tool or paperclip hold the button down, and connect the jetson to power. Keep the button held down until you can see a green light on through the DC power port inside the floyd case.
Using either a mac or linux machine, connect usb type 2 port 1 on the jetson to a usb port on your computer. You will need a female to female cable to do this. To check if a connection has been made, on mac in a terminal type
system_profiler SPUSBDataType
Or if you are using a linux machine type
The folder dowloaded from the link in the important docs page will be named Floyd NX BSP v2.0 20201022
. Navigate to where you are storing it.
cd /Desktop/Floyd NX BSP v2.0 20201022
Extract the contents of the tar file with the OS - this may take some time
sudo tar -pxvzf dsc-floyd-nx-release-2.0-20201022.tar.gz
Download the required files (BSP and sample root filesystem) from the NVIDIA L4T archive. e.g.:
mkdir ~/nvidia-jetpack && cd ~/nvidia-jetpack
wget https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/l4t/r32_release_v5.1/r32_release_v5.1/t186/tegra186_linux_r32.5.1_aarch64.tbz2
wget https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/l4t/r32_release_v5.1/r32_release_v5.1/t186/tegra_linux_sample-root-filesystem_r32.5.1_aarch64.tbz2
Extract the BSP, then extract the sample root filesystem into the rootfs
directory inside the extracted BSP:
tar -jxvf tegra186_linux_r32.5.1_aarch64.tbz2
sudo tar -jxvf tegra_linux_sample-root-filesystem_r32.5.1_aarch64.tbz2 -C Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs
Finalise the setup of the root filesystem:
cd Linux_for_Tegra && sudo ./apply_binaries.sh
Navigate to the extracted directory
cd Linux_for_Tegra
And flash the image onto the nvidia device
sudo ./flash.sh jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc mmcblk0p1
All avaible USB devices should be listed. If the connection has been made, one of them will be Manufacturer: NVIDIA Corp.
The instructions to install the hardware with pics is under /huntsman_important_documents/subsystems/nvidia/Jetson Installing M.2 Memory
Below are the steps to create a camera jetson for Huntsman from scratch, and without cloud init using the Nvidia provided OS + Jetpack.
Plug it in to a monitor, with keyboard, mouse, and an ethernet connection and let it do its first boot. You will be asked to setup through where you are located (Sydney) keyboard preference (US) and a few other house keeping things.
When you get to the user set up screen, username: huntsman
and computer name: jetsonXXX
should be the settings. Replace XXX with the jetson number based on its serial number. The password will be in the hardware info docs. The jetson will now reboot itself when it logs in. Move through to the desktop.
Now we will set up the jetson so it will automatically boot from the M.2 card that is installed. First install nvme-cli
sudo apt-get install -y nvme-cli
Now reboot, and test if the card can be read
lsblk -f
If you want to check if you can read and write to it, you can mount it:
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /media
But if you can see it after doing lsblk -f
you're ready to move to the next step.
Now follow these instructions to boot from the M.2 In order to prepare the SSD for booting. We want 16GB of swap space, and a partition called SAM512SSD.
When you get to step 2, create a folder called Development
in the home directory, to clone git repos that are stored locally to this folder
mkdir Development
And clone the repo mentioned in the instructions
cd ~/Development
git clone https://github.com/jetsonhacks/rootOnNVMe.git
cd rootOnNVMe
**Remove the Ethernet cable **
It is very important that this next step completes in it's entirety or the jetson will be bricked and you will need to start again with a fresh install.
Copy the rootfs file to your SSD
This command must run properly or the Jetson will be bricked. The Jetsons do not like this command!
If the jetson reboots during this process, it's not happy. When it reboots, check lsblk -f
. If the nvme is not there, sudo reboot
again. If it does not turn on again after this, power cycle it. Power cycle or reboot until lsblk -f
shows the nvme device again. Then, try the command again. Repeat this process until the command has completed in its entirety and the jetson does not reboot. Then, run the command 2 more times. Each time you should see 0% in the progress bar, meaning that all files have been copied over. Only then is it safe to continue.
And finally run
And then sudo reboot. Reboot about 2-3 times, checking lsblk -f
each time to make sure the changes have sticked.
The rest can be done headless, so grab the ip address to ssh in
hostname -I
To find the MAC address of the two ethernet ports
ip addr show eth0
ip addr show eth1
Get ready to start installing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nano
To ensure the jetson remains in sync with a correct time, point it to the google time servers
sudo apt-get install ntp
sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf
Inside ntp.conf
you should add the lines:
server time1.google.com iburst
server time2.google.com iburst
server time3.google.com iburst
server time4.google.com iburst
Comment out any lines starting with server if this is not a fresh jetson.
Restart the NTP daemon using:
sudo service ntp reload
Make a panoptes group and huntsman to all the needed groups
sudo addgroup panoptes
sudo usermod -a -G users,sudo,dialout,plugdev,docker,i2c,input,gpio,panoptes huntsman
Note: docker-compose, python3 and pip are installed later
sudo apt-get install byobu apt-transport-https ca-certificates git htop httpie jq neovim software-properties-common speedometer vim-nox watchdog sshfs
Allow huntsman user to mount via sshfs by editing fuse.conf
. Uncomment the line user_allow_other
sudo nano /etc/fuse.conf
Add something (read ALL lines below) to the sudoers file
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
And add the line:
Install ALL the camera stuff!
This can be done in the one big chunk below
sudo mkdir -p /var/huntsman/scripts
sudo chown -R huntsman:huntsman /var/huntsman
cd /var/huntsman/scripts
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AstroHuntsman/huntsman-pocs/develop/scripts/camera/install-camera-pi.sh -O /var/huntsman/scripts/install-camera-pi.sh
sudo bash /var/huntsman/scripts/install-camera-pi.sh
If there is a problem on reboot, power cycle it
Add the env variables panoptes needs to the ./bachrc
nano /home/huntsman/.bashrc
Change XX.XX.XX.XX to the IP of the control computer, and add the lines:
export PANUSER=huntsman
Now we need to force python 3 as the default - you don't need conda etc as everything will be in docker for now. Go to:
nano ~/.bashrc
Add the line:
alias python=python3
And finally:
source ~/.bashrc
Installing pip3 and docker-compose
These can be tricky to install on the jetson because of cryptography
. To force the install, use the temporary flag: $ export CRYPTOGRAPHY_DONT_BUILD_RUST=1
. This could take up to 10-15 minutes to install.
sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
pip3 install setuptools_rust
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev
pip3 install cryptography
pip3 install docker-compose
You will need to sudo reboot before the changes take effect. Now, the camera server should start in a byobu by itself. To check, just type $ byobu
I've often found after a first attempt at running the camera script results in a failure to get into the logs file. To prevent this, you can change the permissions (not recommended)
chmod 777 /var/huntsman/logs
chmod 777 /var/huntsman/images
If there is an error in doing so, maybe check if it is mounted or not, and unmount
sudo umount /var/huntsman/images
You will also need to add some rules to the jetson to be able to use the astromechanics focuser.
cd /etc/udev/rules.d
nano astromech.rules
In the new file place:
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{id_vendor}=="0403", ATTRS{id_product}=="6001", ATTRS{serial}=="AG0JKSV1", ATTRS{manufacturer}=="FTDI", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0664"
And save!
When you are in the mountain, and the jetson has been assigned it's ip address from the control computer
After another reboot, get the public key for control computer. To do so, log onto the control computer, and from here:
sudo chown -R huntsman ~/.ssh/
ssh [email protected] mkdir -p .ssh
cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh [email protected] 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
Where [email protected] is the address of the jetson (change as needed)
Now copy the jetson public key over to the control computer (change control comp ip as necessary). You will also need to ensure a new ssh key has been generated for the huntsman user. To check if this has been done check the output of cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
which should contain a comment of the form username@hostname
at the end of the file. The username should be huntsman
(not root
) and the hostname should match the hostname set for the jetson earlier.
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected]
Below are the steps to create a camera jetson for Huntsman from scratch, and without cloud init using the diamond systems BSP.
Plug it in to a monitor, with keyboard, mouse, and an ethernet connection and let it do its first boot. The default password and username for any jetson on first boot should be nvidia, but it should log you in automatically. Once at the desktop, open a terminal and find the IP address.
$ hostname -I
Now you can log in remotely, and you can unplug the monitor if you like
Follow the huntsman naming convention of jetsXXX
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nano
sudo nano /etc/hostname
sudo reboot
To ensure the jetson remains in sync with a correct time, point it to the google time servers
sudo apt-get install ntp
sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf
Inside ntp.conf
you should add the lines:
server time1.google.com iburst
server time2.google.com iburst
server time3.google.com iburst
server time4.google.com iburst
Comment out any lines starting with server if this is not a fresh jetson.
Restart the NTP daemon using:
sudo service ntp reload
The following will create the huntsman user, the needed groups, and add huntsman to them. All up-to-date jetpacks will have docker preinstalled, so the group should already exist.
sudo adduser huntsman
sudo addgroup panoptes
sudo usermod -a -G users,sudo,dialout,plugdev,docker,i2c,input,gpio,panoptes huntsman
Important: Switch users to the huntsman
sudo su huntsman
Add "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" to sudoers file
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
And add the line:
Note: docker-compose, python3 and pip are installed later
sudo apt-get install byobu apt-transport-https ca-certificates git htop httpie jq neovim software-properties-common speedometer vim-nox watchdog sshfs
Allow huntsman user to mount via sshfs by editing fuse.conf
. Uncomment the line user_allow_other
sudo nano /etc/fuse.conf
This can be done in the one big chunk below
sudo mkdir -p /var/huntsman/scripts
sudo chown -R huntsman:huntsman /var/huntsman
cd /var/huntsman/scripts
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AstroHuntsman/huntsman-pocs/develop/scripts/camera/install-camera-pi.sh -O /var/huntsman/scripts/install-camera-pi.sh
sudo bash /var/huntsman/scripts/install-camera-pi.sh
After another reboot, get the public key for control computer. To do so, log onto the control computer, and from here:
ssh [email protected] mkdir -p .ssh
cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh [email protected] 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
Where [email protected] is the address of the jetson (change as needed)
Now copy the jetson public key over to the control computer (change control comp ip as necessary). You will also need to ensure a new ssh key has been generated for the huntsman user. To check if this has been done check the output of cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
which should contain a comment of the form username@hostname
at the end of the file. The username should be huntsman
(not root
) and the hostname should match the hostname set for the jetson earlier.
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected]
Add the env variables panoptes needs to the ./bachrc
nano /home/huntsman/.bashrc
Change XX.XX.XX.XX to the IP of the control computer, and add the lines:
export PANUSER=huntsman
Unfortunately this doesn't come preinstall on older jetson jetbacks.
sudo apt-get install python3.6
Now we need to force python 3 as the default - you don't need conda etc as everything will be in docker for now. Go to:
nano ~/.bashrc
Add the line:
alias python=python3
And finally:
source ~/.bashrc
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 10
These can be tricky to install on the jetson because of cryptography
. To force the install, use the temporary flag: $ export CRYPTOGRAPHY_DONT_BUILD_RUST=1
. This could take up to 10-15 minutes to install.
sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
pip3 install setuptools_rust
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev
pip3 install cryptography
pip3 install docker-compose
If there are problems using docker-compose afterwards, do a reboot. Now, the camera server should start in a byobu by itself. To check, just type $ byobu
I've often found after a first attempt at running the camera script results in a failure to get into the logs file. To prevent this, you can change the permissions (not recommended)
chmod 777 /var/huntsman/logs
If there is an error in doing so, maybe check if it is mounted or not, and unmount
umount /var/huntsman/images
You will also need to add some rules to the jetson to be able to use the astromechanics focuser.
cd /etc/udev/rules.d
nano astromech.rules
In the new file place:
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{id_vendor}=="0403", ATTRS{id_product}=="6001", ATTRS{serial}=="AG0JKSV1", ATTRS{manufacturer}=="FTDI", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0664"
And save!
If the /.bashrc
is not being sourced, add this to a ~/.bash_profile
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
. "$HOME/.bashrc"
If you are dealing with a Jetson that is fitted with an AstroMechanics focuser, you should also add this to the volumes section of docker-compose.yaml
file on in the jetson - if this has not been updated yet - you will need to disable docker-compose file pulling on the jetson as well or this change will be written over on camera service restart:
- /dev/serial/by-id:/dev/serial/by-id
To get the nvme M.2 card to be recognised to you need to install nvme-cli
and reboot the jetson before trying
sudo apt-get install -y nvme-cli
Now reboot, and test if the card can be read
lsblk -f
Now lets check we can read and write to it. To do so:
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /media
Wait for the jetson to boot to MMC - then look for this file - (make a copy of it first somewhere else like Desktop)
cd /etc
rm setssdroot.conf
cd /etc/systemd/system
sudo rm setssdroot.service
cd /sbin
rm setssdroot.sh