Produce a python iterator of synthetic images.
Is a python generator class that does the following:
- produce a fake noiseless image for a specific setup: Canon lens + ZWO ASI183 Pro Camera.
- produces a noisey image based upon given exposure time
- inject bright sources of light
It will eventually:
- start sending data no faster than the specified rate from: FPS, n_cameras, exptime
- record processing speed (e.g. processing at X FPS)
- randomly dim stars to mimic a occultation
A few python modules, including a custom astronomy sensitivity suite gunagala
To install, just run pip in source directory:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can test it out by going to the source directory and running these:
python absolute_path_to_gunagala_configuration_file
python absolute_path_to_gunagala_configuration_file
Two ways:
from generate_images import ImageStream
i = ImageStream(gunagala_config_filename=absolute_path_to_gunagala_configuration_file)
from generate_images import ImageStream
for i in ImageStream(gunagala_config_filename=absolute_path_to_gunagala_configuration_file):
Also check out the if __name__ == '__main__':
example in