This project is a C++ module to drive a robot equipped with a rplidar laser scanner. The purpose is to give the user a feedback on the joystick of the several obstacles the robot may encounter.
This is using ROS (Robot Operating System) to communicate with the robot, and SmartServoFramework from Emeric Grange ( [email protected] ) to drive the servos of the joystick.
To build and execute the programs, you will need ROS installed (version indigo will be pretty nice, hydro or jade should work. For earlier versions, changes in code will be needed).
It is recommended to follow the ROS Beginner Tutorial if you don't know it aldready.
You will need these prerequisite, and two Dynamixel servos from Robotis for the joystick.
$ cd Joystick_a4h/src/
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ cd ../
$ catkin_make
You will also need to update your .bashrc so ROS can find your packages :
$ cd ~/
$ echo "source /opt/ros/<indigo-hydro-jade-...>/setup.bash" >> .bashrc
$ echo "source Joystick_a4h/devel/setup.bash" >> .bashrc
- stop/block_servos: If for some reason you need to free or block the joystick.
A virtual test is given, using the ROS Turtlesim :
- init_roscore: It will open a new terminal, and run roscore. It is necessary for ROS to run other programs.
- init_teleop_turtle: It will open several new terminals, and a turtle simulator. You can then move the turtle with the joystick.
# Run these two commands in the same terminal
$ ./
$ ./
Please take care to wait roscore is completely initialized before running the teleop, unless you may experience crash issues.
To drive Amibot :
- launch_rviz_amibot: It will open a new terminal and a window, where you will see the scanning of the robot. Until ROSbridge isn't used in this module, you will need to be connected at the same network than the robot (A4H_smart_home).
- init_teleop_amibot: It will open several new terminals. You can then move the robot with the joystick.
# Run these two commands in the same terminal
$ ./
$ ./
Please take care to wait rviz is completely initialized before running the teleop, unless you may experience crash issues.
Since this project is still experimental, you may experience some connection issues between PC and robot. Try then modifying ROS_IP in scripts of amibot.
Don't forget to modify ~/.bashrc unless the package won't be found.
The servos IDs are default 1 and 10. If your servos have different IDs, modify it in src/joystick_a4h/joystick_node.cpp.
If you want a direction correction feedback, go in the src/joystick_a4h/obstacle_manager.cpp and comment/uncomment what is specified.
If for some reasons you experience issues while using serial link with your USB ports, modify in src/joystick_a4h/joystick_node.cpp the name of the port you are using for serial link.
You can help us finding bugs, proposing new functionalities and more directly on this website ! Click on the "New issue" button in the menu to do that.
You can browse the git repository here on GitHub, submit patches and push requests!
Here is a link to SmartServoFramework from Emeric Grange ( [email protected] ) that is used in this project.
Joystick_a4h is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Consult the licence on the FSF website.
Please read the Joystick_a4h/src/rplidar_ros/LICENSE
Copyright (c) 2015, INRIA, All rights reserved.
Astor Bizard [email protected]
Emeric Grange [email protected]
Dominique Vaufreydaz [email protected]