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Minimal js bridge to connect to web dapps from mobile app

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Why do i need this?

Utility allows minimal bridge compilation that once integrated into the mobile app brings support for polkadot extension protocol. That opens posibility to provide interaction between native mobile application and web dapp keeping user's secret keys on the mobile device.


yarn install
yarn build

In result nova_min.js file will be created in the dist directory

Usage in browser as extension

Just add dist folder as an extension in Chrome browser in developer mode.

Usage on iOS

Copy nova_min.js file from previous step to XCode project.

Add the following variables:

static var providerJsUrl: URL {
    return Bundle.main.url(forResource: "nova_min", withExtension: "js")!

static var providerScript: WKUserScript {
    let source = try! String(contentsOf: providerJsUrl)
    let script = WKUserScript(source: source, injectionTime: .atDocumentStart, forMainFrameOnly: false)
    return script

static var listenerScript: WKUserScript {
    let source =
    window.addEventListener("message", ({ data, source }) => {
      // only allow messages from our window, by the loader
      if (source !== window) {

      if (data.origin === "dapp-request") {

    let script = WKUserScript(source: source, injectionTime: .atDocumentEnd, forMainFrameOnly: false)
    return script

providerScript script represents js bridge that will be injected into the begining of dapp web page and will forward messages from the DApp. listenerScript script filters messages from the dapp and forwards only relevant requests to the app.

Then create web view and add scripts to it:

let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
let controller = WKUserContentController()

configuration.userContentController = controller

let webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: configuration)
// setup layout here


Finally, add handler to web view controller and implement delegate:

webView.configuration.userContentController.add(self, "_nova_")

extension DappViewController: WKScriptMessageHandler {
  func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
   guard let dict = message as? NSDictionary, let messageType = dict["msgType"] as? String else {
      print("Warning: unsupported message format \(message)")

   switch messageType {
        case "pub(":
            // asks if a user wants to communicate with DApp
        case "pub(accounts.list)":
            // asks for account lists available
        case "pub(accounts.subscribe)":
            // asks the app to notify dapp if list of accounts changes
        case "pub(metadata.list)":
            // asks for metadata the app uses
        case "pub(metadata.provide)":
            // asks the app to update metadata
        case "pub(bytes.sign)":
            // asks the app to sign raw bytes
        case "pub(extrinsic.sign)":
            // asks the app to sign extrinsics
            print("Warning: unsupported request \(messageType)")

Each message send from Dapp has the following structure:

    id: string
    msgType: string
    origin: string
    request: object
    url: string

For example, for pub(accounts.list) one can receive the following:

    id = "1639543839750.1";
    msgType = "pub(";
    origin = "dapp-request";
    request = null;
    url = "";

To send response back to the DApp onAppResponse function must be used on the bridge side:

extension WKWebView {
    public func sendResult(type: String, result: CustomStringConvertible) {
        let script = String(format: "window.walletExtension.onAppResponse(\"%@\", %@, null)", type, result.description)

type is the message type received in the request (for example, pub(account.list)) and result is a json string representing the response. The last parameter is error but for successfull responses we just pass null.

The example of error response is the following:

extension WKWebView {
    public func sendError(type: String, message: String) {
        let script = String(format: "window.walletExtension.onAppResponse(\"%@\", null, new Error(\"%@\"))", type, message)

Extrinsic signing flow

For pub( one should send true/false. For example, webView.sendResult(type, "true").

For pub(accounts.list) one shoule construct a json that contains list of account objects with the following structure:

export interface InjectedAccount {
  address: string;
  genesisHash?: string | null; // should start with 0x prefix
  name?: string;
  type?: KeypairType;

type KeypairType = 'ed25519' | 'sr25519' | 'ecdsa' | 'ethereum';

This is js type took from polkadot extension repo. As one can see the only required field is address. For example, response can be as following:

webView.sendResult(type, "[{\"address\": \"HP8qJ8P4u4W2QgsJ8jzVuSsjfFTT6orQomFD6eTRSGEbiTK\"}]")

For pub(extrinsic.sign) one should handle the request field of the message which contains json with the following format:

interface SignerPayloadJSON {
   * @description The ss-58 encoded address
  address: string;

   * @description The checkpoint hash of the block, in hex
  blockHash: string;

   * @description The checkpoint block number, in hex
  blockNumber: string;

   * @description The era for this transaction, in hex
  era: string;

   * @description The genesis hash of the chain, in hex
  genesisHash: string;

   * @description The encoded method (with arguments) in hex
  method: string;

   * @description The nonce for this transaction, in hex
  nonce: string;

   * @description The current spec version for the runtime
  specVersion: string;

   * @description The tip for this transaction, in hex
  tip: string;

   * @description The current transaction version for the runtime
  transactionVersion: string;

   * @description The applicable signed extensions for this runtime
  signedExtensions: string[];

   * @description The version of the extrinsic we are dealing with
  version: number;

This is js type took from polkadot api.

After user confirmation mobile app sends a json response with the following format:

interface SignerResult {
   * @description The id for this request
  id: number;

   * @description The resulting signature in hex
  signature: HexString;

This is js type took from polkadot api.

Note that signature object must be constructed depending on runtime metadata (MultiSignature for most chains) and scale encoded before inserting into the result.

To reject the signing Rejected error message is enough:

webView.sendError(type: "pub(extrinsic.sign)", message: "Rejected")


Besides regular responses there is an option to provide data for subscription requests such as account.subscribe. To properly handle such request in the application one needs act as follows:

  1. Provide reqular response to confirm subscription acceptance by sending true as a result to onAppResponse function;
  2. When new data is ready (for example, accounts) call onAppSubscription function passing subscription request id (not a message type) and resulting json;
extension WKWebView {
    public func sendSubscriptionResult(for requestId: String, result: CustomStringConvertible) {
        let script = String(format: "window.walletExtension.onAppSubscription(\"%@\", %@)", requestId, result.description)


DApps and extensions can exchange metadata. Firstly, DApp sends pub(metadata.list) request to figure out which networks extension supports. Extension must respond with the list of following objects:

interface InjectedMetadataKnown {
  genesisHash: string;
  specVersion: number;

This is js type took from polkadot js extension.

If DApp finds out that metadata is not up to date it can ask extension to update it sending pub(metadata.provide) with request body having Metadatadef structure:

export interface MetadataDefBase {
  chain: string;
  genesisHash: string;
  icon: string;
  ss58Format: number;
  chainType?: 'substrate' | 'ethereum'

export interface MetadataDef extends MetadataDefBase {
  color?: string;
  specVersion: number;
  tokenDecimals: number;
  tokenSymbol: string;
  types: Record<string, Record<string, string> | string>;
  metaCalls?: string;
  userExtensions?: ExtDef;

export type ExtTypes = Record<string, string>;

export type ExtInfo = {
  extrinsic: ExtTypes;
  payload: ExtTypes;

export type ExtDef = Record<string, ExtInfo>;

This is js type took from polkadot js extension.

If the extension accepts metadata update then it should send true back, otherwise - false.

Signing raw bytes

Besides signing extrinsics DApps have an option to request signing raw bytes. To achive this pub(bytes.sign) message is sent with request having the SignerPayloadRaw structure:

export interface SignerPayloadRawBase {
   * @description The hex-encoded data for this request
  data: string;

   * @description The type of the contained data
  type?: 'bytes' | 'payload';

export interface SignerPayloadRaw extends SignerPayloadRawBase {
   * @description The ss-58 encoded address
  address: string;

   * @description The type of the contained data
  type: 'bytes' | 'payload';

This is js type took from polkadot js extension.

If user confirms signing the same response format as for extrinsic is sent back.


Minimal js bridge to connect to web dapps from mobile app






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  • TypeScript 92.5%
  • JavaScript 5.0%
  • HTML 2.5%