This project implements a dual-function BK Tree (Burkhard-Keller Tree) system. The BK Tree, a data structure designed for discrete metric spaces, has been adapted here for two purposes: performing approximate string matching for words and managing geographic data on hospitals. In the words application, the BK Tree facilitates approximate matching, common in applications like spell checkers and auto-complete, by finding words within a specified Levenshtein distance. For hospital recommendation, it finds nearby hospitals based on geographic coordinates, using haversine distance to calculate proximity.
├── BK_structure.c # Defines BK Tree structure and functions for approximate word matching.
├── dictionary.c # Loads a dictionary file into the BK Tree for word matching.
├── levenshtein.c # Implements the basic Levenshtein Distance calculation.
├── Ukkonen_Levenshtein_Distance.c # Implements Ukkonen's optimized Levenshtein algorithm.
├── dictionary.txt # Sample dictionary file for words.
├── Hosp_BK_structure.c # Defines BK Tree structure and functions for hospital proximity search.
├── hospital_data.csv # Sample CSV file with hospital names, latitudes, and longitudes.
├── header.h # Contains function prototypes, macros, and struct definitions.
└── # Documentation file with project details, structure, and usage.
3.1 BK_structure.c: Contains the core BK Tree structure and operations for managing words, including:
createNode: Initializes nodes representing each word in the BK Tree.
insertNode: Inserts words based on Levenshtein distance, grouping words by similarity.
depth_traverse: Traverses the BK Tree to display words, helpful for testing and visualization.
approximateSearch: Finds words within a given Levenshtein distance of a query, supporting approximate string matching.
autocomplete: Suggests words based on a prefix, enhancing user experience in applications like auto-complete.
3.2 dictionary.c: Loads words from dictionary.txt into the BK Tree for word-based approximate matching. It includes helper functions to load words into an array and insert them into the BK Tree.
3.3 levenshtein.c: Implements the basic Levenshtein Distance algorithm, calculating the edit distance between words for approximate matching.
3.4 Ukkonen_Levenshtein_Distance.c: Provides an optimized Levenshtein Distance calculation using Ukkonen's algorithm, offering faster searches in large dictionaries.
3.5 dictionary.txt: A sample file with words to populate the word BK Tree, supporting approximate matching tests.
3.6 Hosp_BK_structure.c: Contains the BK Tree structure and functions for managing hospital data. Key functions include:
createNode: Creates a node for each hospital with its name, latitude, and longitude.
haversine_distance: Calculates geographic distance between nodes.
insertNode: Inserts hospitals based on geographic distances.
depth_traverse: Traverses the BK Tree to display hospital names.
searchBKTree: Finds hospitals within a given distance range from specified coordinates.
read_csv: Loads hospital data from hospital_data.csv into the BK Tree.
3.7 hospital_data.csv: A sample CSV file containing hospital data with names, latitudes, and longitudes, used to build the hospital BK Tree for proximity searches.
3.8 header.h: A centralized header that includes macros, constants, and function prototypes for the entire project. Key elements include:
Macros for utility functions like MAX and MIN and useful constants, such as M_PI.
NODE_CAPACITY for restricting each node to a set number of children.
Struct definitions for nodes in both hospital and word trees, containing fields for longitude, latitude, and name (in hospital BK Tree) or word (in the word BK Tree).
Function prototypes for hospital and word operations, such as createNode, insertNode, haversine_distance, lev_dist, and UK_lev_dist, as well as memory management functions to ensure proper resource usage.
Word Matching:
Insertion: Adds words to the BK Tree based on Levenshtein distance.
Approximate Search: Finds words within a specified Levenshtein distance.
Autocomplete: Suggests words based on a given prefix.
Levenshtein Distance Calculations: Includes both basic and optimized (Ukkonen's) versions.
Hospital Search:
Insertion: Adds hospitals to the BK Tree based on geographic (haversine) distance.
Proximity Search: Finds hospitals within a specified distance range from a location.
Traversal: Traverses the tree to display hospital names.
To compile and run the project, use the following commands:
gcc BK_structure.c dictionary.c Ukkonen_Levenshtein_Distance.c -o word_bk_tree
(for spell-checker)
gcc Hosp_BK_structure.c -o hosp_bk_tree
(for hospital recommendation)
Ensure dictionary.txt and hospital_data.csv are in the same directory as the executables to load data successfully.
Both the word and hospital trees use dynamic memory allocation for nodes and child pointers. Ensure adequate memory is available for large datasets. A memory cleanup function (free_tree) is provided to release allocated memory after execution, preventing memory leaks.
Each BK Tree node is limited to a fixed number of child nodes for simplicity. In the word BK Tree, NODE_CAPACITY is set to 15 to maintain manageable branching levels, while the hospital BK Tree uses 23 child nodes for distance partitioning, facilitating efficient traversal and search in both applications.